Texas school shooting

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I think this stuff is only gonna get worse as, for example, kids who didn't see faces for two years during COVID and are told they need gender affirming care at the drop of a hat grow up into bitter and unsocialized young adults.

El Correcto

god is dead
@BrownFlush is bearing false witness again I see.
Are we about to have a Memorial Day Bible fight..? Bible fight, Bible fight, Bible fight.

@BrownFlush someone trying to take the crown, get in here and hit him with those scriptures.


Binge Poster
Question. If God never gives one more than they can handle why is there suicide?
Question. If the Bible says not to be drunk with wine why did Jesus turn the water into wine.

If the wedding party had already drank up the stash of wine we know they was drunk and parting. Did Jesus participate in making those people sin?
What say you @Darmark7?


Binge Poster
Question. Why do they say there is only one way to heaven. You must confess your sins, believe in Jesus Christ and accept him. Christians will get spitting mad if you say there are more ways.

Ways to Heaven?

1 accepting Jesus Christ

2 Die before age of accountability

3 being mentally challenged

4 All of Israel will be saved. ( Romans 11:26)

5 if you were born before Jesus came to earth, as long as you did the right
sacrifices you went to heaven.
What do you believe @Darmark7 ?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Question. If God never gives one more than they can handle why is there suicide?
Question. If the Bible says not to be drunk with wine why did Jesus turn the water into wine. If the wedding party had already drank up the stash of wine we know they was drunk and parting. Did Jesus participate in making those people sin?
Suffering isn’t given to us, it is the consequence of our actions. Comes to us by heredity from Adam and Eve.

Jesus gave us all things as a gift. The abuse of His gifts is our downfall, not His.


Well-Known Member
Question. If God never gives one more than they can handle why is there suicide?
Question. If the Bible says not to be drunk with wine why did Jesus turn the water into wine. If the wedding party had already drank up the stash of wine we know they was drunk and parting. Did Jesus participate in making those people sin?
question 1 - god is not managing this planets every little detail.
question 2 - just because jesus turned water into wine does not mean you have to drink to excess.


Well-Known Member
Question. Why do they say there is only one way to heaven. You must confess your sins, believe in Jesus Christ and accept him. Christians will get spitting mad if you say there are more ways.

Ways to Heaven?

1 accepting Jesus Christ

2 Die before age of accountability

3 being mentally challenged

4 All of Israel will be saved. ( Romans 11:26)

5 if you were born before Jesus came to earth, as long as you did the right
sacrifices you went to heaven.
I dont follow religions. to me your questions are directed to how individual religions interepet gods teachings.

I do appreciate the fact that your guilt is eating at you and that you are trying to ask questions.


Well-Known Member
I could go on all day. Religion is for people that don’t ask questions or if they do they have to accept the mental gymnastics that they are told.
atheism is a process of trying to constantly validate your position against what you're heart is telling you is wrong.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
What do you believe @Darmark7 ?
I believe there is a God but not the one that religion has made. The Bible is a man made book to keep the masses in line. The God of religion is a failure and needs man’s help. That is how you can tell it’s man made. Here is just a few examples of Gods failures. Maybe all of these your religion doesn’t preach but mine did. If there are multiple things in the Bible that doesn’t make sense or contradicts itself then I don‘t believe it Is the word of God. You can believe whatever you want as I can also. But I want people to ask these questions and many more instead of blindly following man made religions.

Religion makes God a failure!

1 God created Satan to be a worship leader in heaven but we know how that worked out! God made a big boo boo there. Failure.

2 God created Adam and Eve to populate the world so he would have people to fellowship with. Satan comes along and deceives them and separates them from God and the majority of humans from the beginning of time are going to be separated from him. Satan has more souls so he is the winner. God failed.

3 God sends his son to die for everyone. His will is that everyone be saved and to be the savior of the world! Then Satan comes along and ends up getting the majority of people to go to hell. God failed.

4 Satan is getting his "will" to kill, steal and destroy. Humans are getting their "will" to accept or reject Jesus. God's "will" is everyone to be saved. Guess who is the only one that is not fulfilling their "will?” Again God failed.

5 We are praying,fasting and confessing trying to help God save as many souls as we can. Because we are taught God can't usually save people without our help (we are his hands on this earth). Satan has gotten more souls than God has. Again God failed.

6 I was told God created hell For Satan and his demons for punishment and humans was never suppose to end up there. Again another bad plan on God's side.

7. I was told There is supposed to be no escaping hell but demons are coming and going freely and dragging humans souls down to hell as we die. Without even waiting for Judgment Day or asking God. Again God comes out a loser.
8. My favorite God is no Respector of persons and we all have “Free Will” What happened to Adam’s free will when he wanted to eat from the Tree of knowledge? What about Saul’s free will to go kill some Christians? Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh how did that free will work out? If someone puts a gun to your head and tell you to do something do you really have Free Will?
9. I was told God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Just read the Old Testament and how he dealt with people compared to the New Testament.
10. God lost 1/3 of the angels to Satin. Don’t think that could of happened overnight. You would think the all knowing would of seen that coming. If true that also proves there is sin in heaven.

11.When Satan became what God didn’t want him to be (laughable) you would think God could just destroy him and start over but yet again God is made weak by the establishment religion.

12.The Bible says God is omnipresent but we are taught that going to hell is a total separation from God. But If he is omnipresent he is in Hell also.

13.I was told the Bible is in inerrant. My question is which rendition and how can an inerrant book be revised so many times?
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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
question 2 - just because jesus turned water into wine does not mean you have to drink to excess.
And there we have it. Mental gymnastics. It was a wedding. Guest had drunk all the wine so they are drunk and Jesus makes more wine going against the Bible that says do not be drunk with wine.