Texas school shooting


Binge Poster
That’s like saying what is your understanding of the universe. To big to even start to understand. But my experience in religion has shown me what God isn’t and that is a great freeing place to start. None of us understand God but man will always create a god to explain things.
Thank you for sharing your understanding of God.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Thank you for sharing your understanding of God.
Thank you for being understanding and not getting all offended because I don’t have the same belief or understanding as you. I can always tell who really believes what they say by the way they respond to a person with different beliefs. If a person’s belief can’t be questioned or challenged they don’t really believe what they say. You seem to be the real deal.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Oh okay I like God but I want to do whatever I feel like doing. Lol.
I meant the religious ceremonies and rules of a certain religion. Or have to pray or talk to God in a specific way. But I do believe even if I mess up and do something totally wrong God still cares for me. Do you still love your kids if they don’t follow your rules? Again I believe in a kinder more loving God than religion has to offer.


Well-Known Member
I meant the religious ceremonies and rules of a certain religion. Or have to pray or talk to God in a specific way. But I do believe even if I mess up and do something totally wrong God still cares for me. Do you still love your kids if they don’t follow your rules? Again I believe in a kinder more loving God than religion has to offer.
Many of those are the things I’ve always heard in church. I agree with you they’re not always practiced very well. Remember the story of the prodigal son…. ? Men like to use fear, shame, and obligation, my god uses love. Honor, and free will. He does not wish for me to serve him because I “have” to, only because I “desire” to. No condemnation from me on your beliefs. Good luck on your journey.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD



Binge Poster
Thank you for being understanding and not getting all offended because I don’t have the same belief or understanding as you. I can always tell who really believes what they say by the way they respond to a person with different beliefs. If a person’s belief can’t be questioned or challenged they don’t really believe what they say. You seem to be the real deal.
There is no judgement or condemnation intended by the following:

I am very comfortable with beliefs based upon faith.

I am very uncomfortable with beliefs based upon claims of knowledge of absolute, objective, truth claims.


Well-Known Member
I see your religion has taught you well to divert from questions. That’s what religion does. Don’t ask questions just believe. For your information I was a drunk when I went to church. Since leaving 10 yrs ago I haven’t had a drink. No guilt anymore. If you are a person that doesn’t just believe whatever you are told in religion the contradictions will drive you crazy or to drink.
I stated why I don't believe the God of man. I am Just stating why. Believe whatever you want. It amazes me how when someone tells their opinion religious people get all upset and start jumping on them. Almost like they don’t truly believe what they’re saying they believe.
like i said I dont identify with any religions. Your questions posed sound like someone trying to deal with his own religious guilt.


Well-Known Member
And there we have it. Mental gymnastics. It was a wedding. Guest had drunk all the wine so they are drunk and Jesus makes more wine going against the Bible that says do not be drunk with wine.
I’m not an atheist. I believe in God just not a man made one.
i think we're actually on the same page with slight variations. there were no religions of the christian type until Jesus came along.

I think you have to recognize that the bible has been translated and thus is subject to the mistakes or misunderstandings of the translator.

I think conceptually it works fine but you can mock it by trying to take everything literal.

El Correcto

god is dead
You slackin cuz...

Based on the last couple pages I was certain you were going to fire back with this one instead.

But you didn't.

This is what gangsters always do.
Yo yo mayne weze all bout dat luv baby, here sum Turkey fo yo kids on thanksgiving yo.

Meanwhile destroying their community with drugs, running off businesses and killing folk.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
This is what gangsters always do.
Yo yo mayne weze all bout dat luv baby, here sum Turkey fo yo kids on thanksgiving yo.

Meanwhile destroying their community with drugs, running off businesses and killing folk.
There are truths in your statement