The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Inordinately Right
I miss NPR. Still can’t turn it on without being immediately bombarded with stories about sexuality, racism, transgenderism or the patriarchy. Hopefully they’ll be back someday……
Car talk reruns are the only reason to listen to that radical trash station these days. 'Wait wait don't tell me' used to be kind of entertaining, but even it's just blatantly left now.

The far left ideology bleeds into everything with these people.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why drop out? Thought election was a sure thing?

Joe and Mika were pretty upset about those poll numbers today on Morning Joe. Republicans should be thrilled if the Democrats decide to stick with Biden for next year.


Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why drop out? Thought election was a sure thing?

@728ups is enjoying watching the Dems tear their party apart.
No, I have been enjoying the news reports on Trumps trial today. His lawyer talks a lot of smack outside of the courtroom but has little to say when she is actually IN the courtroom 🤣🤣

Amazing that the poll numbers are what they are even with Trump being involved in multiple trials, eh?


All Trash No Trailer
Amazing that the poll numbers are what they are even with Trump being involved in multiple trials, eh?
I can’t explain the mass stupidity <shrug>. It’s hysterical the people in my area that think he’s a Christian, is a family man and is “Fighting” for them🤣

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Amazing that the poll numbers are what they are even with Trump being involved in multiple trials, eh?
If Trump can control himself and simply focus on problems and solutions he could win big. Be upbeat and positive.

Ben Shapiro said on his show today that Trump will be re-elected President next year if he runs a Biden basement style campaign. All Trump has to do is shut up and let Biden continue to do a terrible job. He of course won't be able to do that.


Well-Known Member
No, I have been enjoying the news reports on Trumps trial today. His lawyer talks a lot of smack outside of the courtroom but has little to say when she is actually IN the courtroom 🤣🤣
Nothing that won't be overturned on appeal lol. Meanwhile the Dems are beside themselves over Biden's latest poll numbers. You know, the guy y'all call super competent who thinks there are trillionaires. 😂🤔😁