The 2024 Presidential Race Thread

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I think it's good that Democrats are open about their support for bringing more low wage immigrants into those industries.

It's especially important that teamsters know Democrats want a bunch of low wage immigrants in trucking.

Thank you for being honest.
Our unemployment rate is 3.7%. We still need labor. We have an aging workforce. We all want our standard of living to persist. What should we do?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Not only would more immigrant labor be good for our labor needs but they also become consumers in our economy. This isn’t no brainer.

A lot of you guys are fake libertarians. You want free flow of capital for your rich masters but not free flow of labor.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
lol right, pennies under the table, never unionized in a million years

you do understand scarcity of labor is what ACTUALLY raises wages right?

why do you want a pharaoh-peasant system so badly?
Maybe not unionized but they’ll have work here and we need it. They’ll have other worker protections granted by law. They’ll have an ability to move out of that work over time and generations. Somebody has to do that work.

So do you want to solve some of the wage-price pressure or just complain about it when a Democrat is in the White House?

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Inordinately Right

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Do you support a path to citizenship for people who came here illegally?
I don't have a hard and fast view on this... I could be persuaded to put folks on a 10+ year waiting list to be granted the chance to become American citizens if they work and keep their noses clean and pay federal, state and local taxes. Or maybe no citizenship chance at all until they save up a certain amount of money to offset the initial burden they may place on state and local government. I'm just not sure. But I know one thing for sure: this is a solvable problem and it's an abomination that it hasn't been properly addressed.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Great countries invite strangers to work and live on their soil. What we have is failure of leadership at all levels to see this problem for what it is... which is a chance to become a better country all around.

If we wall off our country we will die on the vine for sure.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Then why do you support driving down American wages by importing cheap laborers?
We'd also be importing consumers. As workers they also help stabilize inflation which is a benefit to all Americans. It's a net benefit.

Why support the free flow of capital but not the free flow of labor? Stifling labor hurts our country.