The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
There's more to being a Republican or Democrat than race relations. Lincoln had much more in common with today's Republicans than today's Democrats. As for Confederate flag wavers in the South, I don't know any registered Republicans down here doing that. Some probably do, but the relative few waving those flags these days are usually seriously ignorant rednecks who don't align with any party because they hate government.
Hmmmm. I’m a New Englander, born and bred. But I strongly believe that according to the constitution, the south had the right to secede.


Well-Known Member
There's more to being a Republican or Democrat than race relations. Lincoln had much more in common with today's Republicans than today's Democrats. As for Confederate flag wavers in the South, I don't know any registered Republicans down here doing that. Some probably do, but the relative few waving those flags these days are usually seriously ignorant rednecks who don't align with any party because they hate government.

Youre wrong


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm. I’m a New Englander, born and bred. But I strongly believe that according to the constitution, the south had the right to secede.
You are more than welcome to believe that. But drive around the South today. There's very little Confederate flag waving going on. But for some reason people outside the region seem to think that's routine down here. How different is it these days? Black men date and marry white women all the time now. Whites are cheering for black athletes in stadiums. No crosses burning, no churches being bombed. That white guy who shot up that black church in Charleston years ago was the rare exception, and he was nuts. The closest you'll see to a southern state wanting to secede is Texas because the Federal government allowed their state to be overrun with illegals. Millions of northerners are here these days for jobs and better weather in retirement. The U.S. flag gets waved all the time here. We've moved on.


Well-Known Member
@UnionStrong yeah you're right he has no hope.

Holy biased article Batman. If you're going to use a source try to use one as close to middle as possible if you want any credibility.
You’re saying the Gallup poll is fake?

Are you really going to deny that more republicans wave the confederate flag in the south than democrats do? Seriously?

We have multiple Republican politicians who have the flag in their office or given speeches in front of it. This is just silly

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Dude you literally posted one of the most left biased websites and expect people to believe that it's going to not be biased. I'm sorry I don't fall into those traps unlike you. At this point I don't think you have any hope of ever getting your head out of a donkey's ass but good luck


Well-Known Member

Youre wrong
Baloney. People in the South support the Confederate flag as part of their heritage. We don't like outsiders telling us to pull down statues either. What we see from folks like you is a desire to control thought. People like you won't allow people to move on because the past is used to hang guilt over their heads. What matters here is how people treat each other, not some cartoon version of what someone who reads stereotypes thinks is going on.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
@UnionStrong never mind you're right kids are complete lost cause. @PT Car Washer Junior.
I did find it quite funny how he would not respond to 90% of my messages though. How typical either come up with something fake or just ignore the facts shown to them.
And @Doublestandards no need to even respond to any of my stuff anymore because I won't see it. I have much better things to do than argue with a complete idiot that won't see truth. Except part-time car washer He's just fun to absolutely bash after all these years.


Well-Known Member
Dude you literally posted one of the most left biased websites and expect people to believe that it's going to not be biased. I'm sorry I don't fall into those traps unlike you. At this point I don't think you have any hope of ever getting your head out of a donkey's ass but good luck
Ignore the article and read the source material itself, the Gallup poll, or is that fake too?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You are more than welcome to believe that. But drive around the South today. There's very little Confederate flag waving going on. But for some reason people outside the region seem to think that's routine down here. How different is it these days? Black men date and marry white women all the time now. Whites are cheering for black athletes in stadiums. No crosses burning, no churches being bombed. That white guy who shot up that black church in Charleston years ago was the rare exception, and he was nuts. The closest you'll see to a southern state wanting to secede is Texas because the Federal government allowed their state to be overrun with illegals. Millions of northerners are here these days for jobs and better weather in retirement. The U.S. flag gets waved all the time here. We've moved on.


Well-Known Member
You’re saying the Gallup poll is fake?

Are you really going to deny that more republicans wave the confederate flag in the south than democrats do? Seriously?

We have multiple Republican politicians who have the flag in their office or given speeches in front of it. This is just silly
Not happening. Show me anyone waving a Confederate flag and I'll show you a young, ignorant numbskull. It's not a thing except among the very poor who are not only against other races but also all whites who are doing better than they are. The flag is a symbol of rebelling against the system they aren't participating in. But it's pretty limited these days.


Well-Known Member
No, you're saying it's everywhere and white Republican southerners are displaying it all the time. Not so.
When the heck did I say that?

I said if you go in the south, and someone is waving a confederate flag, I would bet money, and I’m sure you would too, that their political views would be more aligned with republicans than democrats


Well-Known Member
you guys need to read a history book. You are very uninformed, but still so confident. Dangerous combination

The parties absolutely switched. And it’s Republican propaganda to try and deny it

Democrats were fighting for the confederacy. Lincoln, a Republican, was fighting for the union. Democrats were fighting for “states rights”. Republicans wanted the federal government

Let me ask you something, go down to the south today, go up to someone waving a confederate flag, if you had to guess, do you think they’re a Republican or democrat today?

Which party today is more states rights and which is more federal government?
You raise good points with the federal vs states part. What you’re not viewing is every other part of politics. The landscape of America itself has shifted. There’s simply no way to tell who Lincoln would align himself with. Heck the Democrats and Republicans of today aren’t even what they were just 50 years ago. The Republicans today have shifted to what Democrats used to be, shifting more liberal. The Democrats now are moving more towards socialism


Well-Known Member
You raise good points with the federal vs states part. What you’re not viewing is every other part of politics. The landscape of America itself has shifted. There’s simply no way to tell who Lincoln would align himself with. Heck the Democrats and Republicans of today aren’t even what they were just 50 years ago. The Republicans today have shifted to what Democrats used to be, shifting more liberal. The Democrats now are moving more towards socialism

Thank you for at least admitting the first part. And your last part is essentially what I said. The parties changed. The democrats and republicans are not the same as they were back then, and it’s just ignorant to claim otherwise, and isn’t a “conspiracy” like the others have said