The 2024 Presidential Race Thread

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Only in your imagination do women wait until the ninth month to willy nilly end a pregnancy. Maybe talk to someone.
Until you can admit that abortion is the killing of an unborn human child, there should be absolutely no discussion about what a woman and her doctor discuss in that regard.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
Again, forget the legal definition of murder

We’ll go with your definition, killing a baby

If you say both lives are equal to one another, and both parties are innocent (unlike your fantasy with the drug dealer having sex with a scientists wife…) how can you morally justify killing one to maybe save the other?

I wonder if you would have the same moral consistency after the baby is born? If there was a situation where only one of their lives could be saved, would you still choose to save the mothers life?
This is the fallacy of exception! The examples you are giving are less then one percent of abortions in this country.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No we don't, you're just afraid to be honest because then you would have to defend your position.

You support a right for women to pay to have their babies killed. Just be honest about it.
Abortion healthcare is a human right. Deferring to women to make the decision to abort their fetuses with the expert help of their doctors is the humane position.

You think rich married women with pregnancies that have gone wrong in Missouri don’t go to Illinois for an abortion they need? They do. One was someone that I know that was willing to make that choice because of her health.

Carry on with your fake moral outrage.


Inordinately Right
The reason these radical Democrats pushing for no restrictions at all on baby killings won't be honest is because they know their party is out of line with the majority of Americans.

Democrats are extremely radical on the abortion issue.