The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
@Thebrownblob “The Ukraine war will end just like I said it would end over 2 1/2 years ago. Ukraine will have to agree. Russia will keep the land It took, peace could’ve been so much sooner, but you know let’s fight to the last Ukrainian. Literally. And make billions while we do it.”

Should Ukraine not fight for their land? Should they give in immediately? If they did, why would Russia stop there? Why wouldn’t they keep going?

Didn’t Ukraine give up nuclear arms with a guarantee of their land?

“In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer these weapons to Russia and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.”


Well-Known Member
You keep repeating your media propaganda out of context narrative like you're proving something.

I gave you facts.
You didn't like them.
Carry on.
Carry on lmao

It’s not media propaganda, that’s him asking for the votes

And again, even if he claimed there was more fraud than that, there wasn’t. And the governor even told him so on the phone. Along with his own advisors. But you keep ignoring that


Well-Known Member
funny, because we did prove election integrity, through the courts, and we are still talking about, because Trump is STILL denying the results and claiming the election was fraudulent

Because the cases weren't heard.

the funniest thing to me in this case of crooked democracy is the courts denied hearing the cases claiming he Trump had no standing to bring the case.

if anyone would ever have standing in such a case it would be the guy who was the victim of the crime.

this is a case the courts clearly did not want to touch knowing it would open up a can of worms.

the other thing that comes to mind is the dems have tried everything they can do to keep him out of office including weaponizing the justice system. why?

are they trying to keep him out of office because once back in he would have the resources to have all the Dems dirty laundry investigated?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for admitting they didn't look into claims of election irregularities.

This is an amazing first step for you.
Very proud of the progress we've made.

Have a good night my friend!
Oh “they” “looked into it” and saw that were was no evidence even worthy of a court case, it was all lies.
People in trumps team have testified under oath that they didn’t have any evidence


Well-Known Member
the funniest thing to me in this case of crooked democracy is the courts denied hearing the cases claiming he Trump had no standing to bring the case.

if anyone would ever have standing in such a case it would be the guy who was the victim of the crime.

this is a case the courts clearly did not want to touch knowing it would open up a can of worms.

the other thing that comes to mind is the dems have tried everything they can do to keep him out of office including weaponizing the justice system. why?

are they trying to keep him out of office because once back in he would have the resources to have all the Dems dirty laundry investigated?

@DriveInDriveOut they even mention your buddy Clarence Thomas in here. Is he in on the conspiracy against Trump also?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for admitting they didn't look into claims of election irregularities.

This is an amazing first step for you.
Very proud of the progress we've made.

Have a good night my friend!
You should look at this in of itself and see how it relates to your critical thinking since going all in on Trump.

You twist my words into something that is obviously not true of what I said, make a troll statement, and do one of your catchphrases to quickly end the conversation

It’s the text version of sticking your fingers in your ears going “la la la I can’t hear you I’m right”


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
I never said "they didn't have a court case for it".
We were talking about a phone call, not court.

You're not making any sense.

After you sober up and finish pushing cardboard around tomorrow morning we can try this again Harry.

Good night my very good friend.
How many times are you going to say my name and reference being high? You’re weirdly obsessed


Well-Known Member
@Thebrownblob “The Ukraine war will end just like I said it would end over 2 1/2 years ago. Ukraine will have to agree. Russia will keep the land It took, peace could’ve been so much sooner, but you know let’s fight to the last Ukrainian. Literally. And make billions while we do it.”

Should Ukraine not fight for their land? Should they give in immediately? If they did, why would Russia stop there? Why wouldn’t they keep going?

Didn’t Ukraine give up nuclear arms with a guarantee of their land?

“In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer these weapons to Russia and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.”
It’s way deeper than that.

I do not believe there would’ve been a war if the Democrats didn’t want it.

You can disagree with that if you like, but the results are what they are., Joe Biden had an opportunity to be a president of peace. Instead, he was a president of war because war is what the Democrats wanted since 2016. We even heard silliness like they were going to take Putin out. They thought they were going to crush Russia with this war and sanctions. They did none of that.
Now Ukraine is in ruins used by the west to fight proxy war against Russia.

And on the subject of Afghanistan, he didn’t not leave willingly we got our asses kicked. The plan was to leave before that even when Trump was in office it just so happened that Joe Biden made a disaster of it instead of an orderly exit.

The Biden administrations foreign policy is a disaster, were you satisfied with the last four years? I wasn’t.