Name a country that wouldn't trade places with the United States of America (which according to MAGAs here is a decrepit, financially destroyed hellscape LOL)?
Trump called the U.S. a "garbage can".

ing laughable.
Those who hate Christ also hate Christians, including dead Christians. They will often do all they can to discredit dead Christians from the past. They will renarrate history so Christians of the past are always the villains of history. Christ-haters will weaponize history to make Christians ashamed of their spiritual heritage. They will blame the church for all that is wrong with the world. Twisted retellings of the Crusades, the Inquisition, Columbus’ exploration, Calvin’s Geneva, the Salem Witch Trials, the War Between the States, and so much more — all of it is aimed at getting Christians to swallow a bunch of anti-Christian propaganda. They want us to internalize shame and embarrassment for what our people have done. Christian shortcomings are exaggerated; Christian contributions buried; Christians are made out to be the bad guys of history.
We must fight back against this and defend our people, our past, our heritage. Our Christian ancestors were not the main villains of history. Rather, they built the greatest civilization the world has ever known. The Christian faith has unleashed an amazing degree of cultural transformation over the last 2000 years, inventing the hospital and university, giving birth to modern science, providing a basis for human rights and limited government and the rule of law, elevating the honor of women and children, promoting free markets and free societies, and creating the most beautiful art, architecture, and music in history. Christians can look at the glories of Western civilization and honestly say, “Our people did that!”
An American Christian cannot study an honest account of American history without becoming a patriot, with a deep appreciation for America’s unique culture and contributions, most of which flow out the gospel’s impact on our land.
A Christian cannot study an honest account of the last 2000 years of church history without coming away grateful for the heroes of the faith God has raised up to transform and improve the world.
Anti-Christians want to use their retelling of history to discredit the faith. In reality, an accurate understanding of history is one of the strongest arguments for the truth of Christian faith. The Christian faith has been the greatest force for good the world has ever seen.
Rich Lusk