The countdown to Trump Impeachment


Nine Lives
An acronym suggested by a reader of Dan Savage, the online advice columnist of 'Savage Love'. It stands for Impeach The Mother :censored2:er Already, and was coined as a slogan calling for the impeachment of President George Bush.


Engorged Member

The Emoluments Clause of the Constitution prohibits financial conflicts of interest by the President. Trump had multiple violations the second he took the oath, and he keeps piling them on.

If we ever see the taxes, we'll know even more. For example, today Trump excoriated Nordstrom's for dropping Ivanka's clothing line. Who owns it? Maybe Trump is heavily invested in Neiman Marcus. Also, Federal employees cannot endorse or criticize individual companies by singling them out, unless a crime has been committed (by the company).

Trump's arm-twisting of various companies is also illegal. He's gone after Boeing, Lockheed, and several others, and threatened the car companies directly. What if he owns Airbus stock? There are conflicts everywhere.

Deplorables don't care.

I know you're not very smart, but do you see just a small part of the problem?


Well-Known Member
Multiple crimes. If he ever released the taxes, even more. A President cannot put his personal profits over serving the people.

The rule is absolute.

you realize the IRS under the Obama administration has seen and audited his returns. Not trying to ruin a good fantasy or anything.


Well-Known Member
The Emoluments Clause of the Constitution prohibits financial conflicts of interest by the President. Trump had multiple violations the second he took the oath, and he keeps piling them on.

If we ever see the taxes, we'll know even more. For example, today Trump excoriated Nordstrom's for dropping Ivanka's clothing line. Who owns it? Maybe Trump is heavily invested in Neiman Marcus. Also, Federal employees cannot endorse or criticize individual companies by singling them out, unless a crime has been committed (by the company).

Trump's arm-twisting of various companies is also illegal. He's gone after Boeing, Lockheed, and several others, and threatened the car companies directly. What if he owns Airbus stock? There are conflicts everywhere.

Deplorables don't care.

I know you're not very smart, but do you see just a small part of the problem?

Snowflake is losing his mind .


Engorged Member
Snowflake is losing his mind .

Try looking it up instead of just blindly believing and hoping Trump is clean. I think I'll start calling you "buttercup" because you're more delicate than a snowflake. Just a fragile little flower with no brain.


Well-Known Member
Try looking it up instead of just blindly believing and hoping Trump is clean. I think I'll start calling you "buttercup" because you're more delicate than a snowflake. Just a fragile little flower with no brain.

Sorry snowflake I wont share in your delusion