The countdown to Trump Impeachment


Well-Known Member
Also, 'not being serious' and flat-out lying are quite different things.

If he's not sure what the difference between the two is, or is unaware that there is a difference, that's a problem.

If he's sure of the difference, but proceeds anyway, that's a different problem.

Either way: problem.


Well-Known Member
Taking my own test:

Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to practice religion, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition the government with grievances.

Close enough.


Strength through joy
I just love how the left is fixed on all these little things that Trump has done to date .
So when something big is done they all will be taken by surprise .
And their forces will be spread so thin that all they will be able to do cry foul .


Nine Lives
You and I aren't the President of the most powerful nation in the history of this planet - key difference.

Quick - name the five rights proctected by the 1st Amendment!

That's easy, right?
You probably think the CEO should know the jobs of all people in his/her company.
The CEO has people explain the nitty-gritty of things to him ... Trump is the CEO of US.


Well-Known Member
You probably think the CEO should know the jobs of all people in his/her company.
The CEO has people explain the nitty-gritty of things to him ... Trump is the CEO of US.

No, of course not - the current CEO of UPS doesn't care that I'm a cover driver and that no one writes up trucks anymore and I was in this truck the other day and the e-brake actuator assembly fell off onto the floor and I had to scrounge the nut off the floor the put it back together to finish my day with a functional e-brake...

But I'm pretty sure he knows that we're a delivery company.

It's not clear to me that Trump knows what his current position actually is.


Engorged Member
Sorry it took so long to respond. I work long hours....something I assume you would know nothing about.
You really seem to dislike Trump. Which begs the question....what government assistance program are you on that Trump would kick you out of?
But to get back on topic.

I don't care about his tax returns. I know that his tax attorneys used every loophole there was on the books. Oh, BTW, these were loopholes that were there because the government said so. Not a big deal to me.

What I do care about is there is a man sitting in the presidents chair that is not a politician. He is not bought by the lobbyists. It is a refreshing change that someone who sits in that presidential chair is working for the American people. This man has kept his campaign promises just like he said he would....or is attempting to despite the liberal opposition. His IS trying to make America great again.

The government has lost any semblance of "Ethical operation" long, long ago. If you think that Trump will only make it worse you have your head in the sand and it has been there a good long time.

He is making America a joke because he's an effing :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
He is making America a joke because he's an effing :censored2:.

lets see in one stretch you probably made hundreds of comments where you joked with some bizarre sexual reference. lately you're probably up to hundreds where you question someone's intelligence as if you somehow own the rights to clear brain activity.

in this case you insult the mental retardation disability when you often attacked Trump for mocking a disabled reporter.

can you please give us your handlers name and number so we can candidly discuss the need for you to have fresh well thought out material.


Been around the block a few times
He is making America a joke because he's an effing :censored2:.
When you can't make valid point you resort to name calling or putting someone down in an attempt to somehow lend credence to your own intelligence. So far.....not working out for you so well.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You probably think the CEO should know the jobs of all people in his/her company.
The CEO has people explain the nitty-gritty of things to him ... Trump is the CEO of US.
Not exactly a direct comparison. A big part of the president's job is politics. As in talking with many groups to form a consensus policy. That's not really Trump's strongest skill. He likes to dictate orders and have everyone fall in line. He's quickly finding the government doesn't work that way. Best case is he's on the learning curve and will eventually get his feet under him. Worst case, he'll continue to alienate enemies and allies alike and accomplish nothing, bogged down in scandal his entire tenure.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly a direct comparison. A big part of the president's job is politics. As in talking with many groups to form a consensus policy. That's not really Trump's strongest skill. He likes to dictate orders and have everyone fall in line. He's quickly finding the government doesn't work that way. Best case is he's on the learning curve and will eventually get his feet under him. Worst case, he'll continue to alienate enemies and allies alike and accomplish nothing, bogged down in scandal his entire tenure.

A big part of a presidents job WAS politics. Trump will be the bull in the china closet presidency. His presidency will only be a success if he maintains his identity with the grass roots and he is successful in delivering on his promises. in the meantime we can expect that every minor faux pas will be overblown by the liberal whiners and media.


Engorged Member
I just love how the left is fixed on all these little things that Trump has done to date .
So when something big is done they all will be taken by surprise .
And their forces will be spread so thin that all they will be able to do cry foul .

Yemen!!!Yemen!! Where's the investigation into this botched raid where Americans died? McCain said it, and the American public needs answers.

Roll out the Gold Star Mom on Fox.