The countdown to Trump Impeachment

It will be fine

Well-Known Member

Trumps attack and Kellyanne's subsequent endorsement of Ivanka's line are clear violations of ethics laws.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Tell me how many current and past members of Congress entered office poor and by the time they left were millionaires ?
I would guess there are few if any members of congress that entered office poor. It's hard to run a congressional campaign if you're poor. What does that question have to do with the current administration's clear violation of ethics laws?


Engorged Member
Tell me how many current and past members of Congress entered office poor and by the time they left were millionaires ?

You're sorry, pal. The difference is that Trump and his minions are openly doing it, and not bothering to wait until after their term of PUBLIC service.

The Right Wing echo chamber here will defend any actions by Trump, regardless of ethics or legality.

Truly deplorable...And ignorant.


Engorged Member
The only thing that makes me mad about Trump is he's not pursuing that scumbag Hilary Clinton and getting her rear in jail where it belongs.

She's not President...he is. Hillary is no longer an issue, so get over her and pounce on the issues with your boy.


Engorged Member
The whole system is corrupt.
Your point is?

The point is that Trump has taken it to a new low, as in not releasing the taxes and openly having conflicts of interest on numerous fronts.

The fact that none of this concerns you reveals true ignorance and lack of knowledge regarding the ethical operation of our government.

Go get your GED.


Been around the block a few times
The point is that Trump has taken it to a new low, as in not releasing the taxes and openly having conflicts of interest on numerous fronts.

The fact that none of this concerns you reveals true ignorance and lack of knowledge regarding the ethical operation of our government.

Go get your GED.
Sorry it took so long to respond. I work long hours....something I assume you would know nothing about.
You really seem to dislike Trump. Which begs the question....what government assistance program are you on that Trump would kick you out of?
But to get back on topic.

I don't care about his tax returns. I know that his tax attorneys used every loophole there was on the books. Oh, BTW, these were loopholes that were there because the government said so. Not a big deal to me.

What I do care about is there is a man sitting in the presidents chair that is not a politician. He is not bought by the lobbyists. It is a refreshing change that someone who sits in that presidential chair is working for the American people. This man has kept his campaign promises just like he said he would....or is attempting to despite the liberal opposition. His IS trying to make America great again.

The government has lost any semblance of "Ethical operation" long, long ago. If you think that Trump will only make it worse you have your head in the sand and it has been there a good long time.


Well-Known Member
...What I do care about is there is a man sitting in the presidents chair that is not a politician. He is not bought by the lobbyists. It is a refreshing change that someone who sits in that presidential chair is working for the American people. This man has kept his campaign promises just like he said he would....or is attempting to despite the liberal opposition. His IS trying to make America great again.

Yet, it doesn't bother you that Trump is a serial liar?

I don't think he's working for the American people at all.

Which campaign promises has he kept?

Repeal and replace the ACA? Build a wall? Bring back 1950's era manufacturing jobs?

Get back to me when he's actually gotten something through the legislature.

Trump would fail an eighth-grade civics exam.


Staff member
The only thing that makes me mad about Trump is he's not pursuing that scumbag Hilary Clinton and getting her rear in jail where it belongs.
Don't worry, I'm sure he told the truth about all the other stuff he was gonna do.


Well-Known Member
You just have not learned how to tell if he is serious.

Probably but so would you and I ... been a long time for you too.

You and I aren't the President of the most powerful nation in the history of this planet - key difference.

Quick - name the five rights proctected by the 1st Amendment!

That's easy, right?