The countdown to Trump Impeachment


Well-Known Member
I'm enjoying the many desperate attempts by you snowflakes to create something .



Well-Known Member
now that we have your impression of us out of the way , lets discuss our impression of your side...

It doesn't bother you in the least that the President lies about almost everything?

It's fake news if he doesn't like it.

He likes judges that agree with him, the others, not so much.

He slams the polls as fake, unless they agree with him, then he tweets poll numbers.

It's hard for me to take this guy seriously.

He lies about little things, and big things, has no sense of humor, and likes his meat cooked very well done.

I'm sorry, I don't trust a man who won't eat steak unless it's cooked to resemble shoe leather.


Staff member
Americans Now Evenly Divided on Impeaching Trump

PPP's new national poll finds that Donald Trump's popularity as President has declined precipitously just over the last two weeks. On our first poll of his Presidency voters were evenly divided on Trump, with 44% approving of him and 44% also disapproving. Now his approval rating is 43%, while his disapproval has gone all the way up to 53%. If voters could choose they'd rather have both Barack Obama (52/44) or Hillary Clinton (49/45) instead of Trump.


Engorged Member
Americans Now Evenly Divided on Impeaching Trump

PPP's new national poll finds that Donald Trump's popularity as President has declined precipitously just over the last two weeks. On our first poll of his Presidency voters were evenly divided on Trump, with 44% approving of him and 44% also disapproving. Now his approval rating is 43%, while his disapproval has gone all the way up to 53%. If voters could choose they'd rather have both Barack Obama (52/44) or Hillary Clinton (49/45) instead of Trump.

We probably have 2 years of Trump unless the treason or conflicts of interest are proven. 2 years is when the GOP gets swept out of the seats that are up for rre-election.


Been around the block a few times
Americans Now Evenly Divided on Impeaching Trump

PPP's new national poll finds that Donald Trump's popularity as President has declined precipitously just over the last two weeks. On our first poll of his Presidency voters were evenly divided on Trump, with 44% approving of him and 44% also disapproving. Now his approval rating is 43%, while his disapproval has gone all the way up to 53%. If voters could choose they'd rather have both Barack Obama (52/44) or Hillary Clinton (49/45) instead of Trump.

Talk about "FAKE NEWS"