Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying Everyone here has the their opinion, like i have mine. It blows mind the way some of you guys think. Though its your own thoughts and opinions, it does not necessary reflect to what i believe is the fact or truth.
TOS, you come across as if you think you have all the answers to our Local 396 problems and concerns and yet you have done nothing since you left the union for whatever reason. I'm not here to judge you nor convince you of anything but I do not have respect for your voice when all i see is HOT Wind that goes nowhere. You put everyone down who does not see your view. In Local 396 You Are Not Well Respected from any but from a few from the valley where you came from. You will Not get respect from anyone else until you learn how to Listen to Members like you claim RH has not done. Your known by many names that I choose not to post. Due to ratting to the DM about a candidate in 2011, ratting on a member for personnel monetary gain. Believe you boasting about running in 2017 would be a waste because you will Not have the support from the membership because of who you are and the ideas of what you believe in. You may be smart in many ways but have burned so many bridges from your membership that does not take you serious to be a Leader of any kind. So if you like to re-invent yourself to be liked, look in the mirror and learn when to speak and when Not to. You may swindle Bo, Cerritos and others here but in the real world, you are nothing but again Hot wind.
Cerritos and others claim all this nonsense of RG getting such a hard time at the buildings, being the aggressor to the members or RH. It such BS, i have talked to the members WHO were there and let me say. These guys only promote false writing to win the Story lines of the site for RH. Speak the TRUTH, have the balls to tell it like it is.
Now as for RG, does he or his slate have what it takes to the run the local, time will tell if he wins. But are many members Not only at 396 pissed because of the contract, YES! Are we angry enough to want Change in our Union, Yes! Do we feel betrayed from our Union who we believe was to defend our views of our future as Teamster, YES! Do we feel stepped on locally with our own personnel issues with the company and nothing being done about, YES! They're many more reasons that i can post but you can figure out where i'm going with this.
RH, did he give a hoot about his membership at the local level, AW Hell No. Being caught up wearing too many hats and Not having the support or knowledge from his own principle officers to keep it running accordingly, Hell No. From JP as prez to JB for sanitation don't have a clue how to run the local. They are All dislike because of the weak performance. Experience is what the claim on their flyers, where is it? Do they need RH for every decision or do they need approval from him to feel they are doing the right decision?
At the International level as a trustee, he has No voice? Give me a break, if that is true then he is just a puppet, Not a leader. We are very upset because of these issues, Stand for membership regardless of which hat you wear. Your membership is your home and WE are your soldiers that will back you at any cost if you defend us. We are pissed because of All the Power RH claims to have and yet he could not get Southwest to back you? RH could have tried to stand on his own two FEET and defend US. If his stance did or did not make a difference in the outcome of this contract, RH stance would have gained much respect from all of us at the end. I would not even be here writing my view. So RH should have stood for us like we would have for him Period!
So do i believe we need change, Yes. If change happens because of those who Did not defend, it will send a ripple effect throughout the Nation. It will show that regardless of who you are or how many hats you wear, you can and will be removed by voting you OUT!
So i don't want to divide our goals but to bring the Union locally and International Strong again. Those in Power will know that you have the Power because we voted for you and we have the ability to strip it from you as well.
If i offended anyone here, that was not my intent. Telling you my views, Peace.
Wow, gotta say. That was well written my brother. Very clear and concise. Whether I agree with everything or not, Your facts and opinions are easy to understand. I'm not in total agreement with everything, but so what. All of us will never be exactly on the same page, all the time - But I believe we need people like you around.