The L-396 campaign trail is underway....

Your so right about all those LIES
Aggressive,Progressive and Diligent !!
Please don't leave out those supporters who claimed to be Neutral, S.Z. was there for the whole ballot count.. How can you be Neutral when your there as an observer for that tdu slate !!
What about that feeder driver that stated " the only slate to vote for ". WTF was he ? Hiding , not campaigning publicly , inside the hubs , sending out texts to everyone!! Now only a scab for tdu.
One more character that needs to be mentioned E.S.from G/V, and as reported earlier that C.J. (S.G) lost more elections than anyone in Local 396, I've been corrected and that honor goes to another tdu member E.S. from G/V..
Point I'm making is that tdu sucks!
Its members can't , won't , ever take over this Local.
Active members of 396 attend General Membership meetings monthly, not only every 3 years , attend rallies , strike lines , city hall meetings , volunteer in GOTV , charity & fundraisers for schools closing in our communities.
Those are the positive things our membership does.
We are the Union .


TRuth HuRts
Astonishing we still have Idiots like Unionman396 who still cant get a grip of himself emotionally, mentally or productively to present a rational conclusion on this election and still works under the current regime. Don't you understand that this is WHY local 396 wanted change, as long as our local continues to allow morons like you represent them, it will be a reason to continue to take them out. The membership has been divided already by a close results and you presume that it was a glorious win, Idiot, it was won by 218 votes. If 109 were swayed in the Glavan's direction instead RH, YOUR MEMBERS CHOICE SLATE would have been out with 3102 votes that came in.

In May's monthly membership meeting RH said something intriguing, "Day of Wrecking Is Coming" as if was a Pirate of the Caribbean movie. Little did he know that it was Ironic because it was HIS Ship that was about to be sunk with all his pirates scrambling to keep the water out. He prevailed this time but if the Captain does not make serious changes within the next 3 years, boy i hate to see you talking or crying then Unionman396.

Aren't you the Steward that was voted out at Cerritos Feeder for being incompetent by your members? The bonehead who claimed he was going to G's fundraiser un-invited. The reject that not only Cerritos but the membership too. RS we know all about you, you cant handle a deep conversation about our membership without blowing up and walking away with your head up somewhere because they didn't agree with you? Dude, chill out and get back to what the members are asking you to do. SHUT UP and get with program or find a cave to sleep for couple of years.

As for SZ, you know little about this man. Most of your group in the local portray him as management? Bro get the facts instead of listening to your ignorant friends and local. His a Teamster member who took a position in the office for almost 9 years to accommodate his family being a single father and left 2 years ago to go back to driving. No different then NA and TP at Cerritos, BM at Grande, JA at Van Nuys and are they management?

We are the only Local in the US that has 7 positions that are offered in our local whom are hourly dispatchers. Your such a :censored2: bag without a strings attached to it. He accomplished more in there then All of your principle officers in his time except for RH. Let me list you some facts to educate you and maybe if you have a brain you relate this to your friends.

1. 2003 thru 2005, when the company wanted to cut cost by shaving Feeder runs because of a corporate decision. He battle with management to prove they were needed and in the process he gained: 1 in Sloca, 2 in Sbarc, 1 in Ventura, 3 in Npaca and 11 in Sfeca. YES Feeder Runs and all approve without the UNIONS help.
2. Ended the grievances between the Coast Feeder drivers against 396 Feeders claims jurisdictional work by working together and making sure Brown drivers were used at All times instead allowing management do the work because of poor planning and sick call blues.
3. Pioneer of utilizing feeder drivers help other building within our local and outside our local when during that time each building selfishly only did there work and were sent home.
4. Created a network with his connections in Freca, Visca and Bkrca to send drivers help thru Heavy Peaks the upper desert desperately needed help in that process he gained a Bkrca run.
5. Re-loop the pick runs to achieve the goal to bring Coast Volume to Van Nuys and San Fernando when these smaller buildings could not handle the volume to time constraint. Create jobs.
6. 2006 thru 2012, gained approval to make changes at Main st to justify Feeder runs that were set to be cut by again corporate demands. Instead of losing runs gained 6 pick up runs and 4 local runs at night.

He battled DM, center manager, schedulers and FM to Justify, Implement and Approve Sleeper and Feeder tractor request for the needs of the operation when the jobs were created. ALL without the help of OUR Beloved Union. Did he ruffle some feathers with drivers because of the drivers not wanting change, Yes. But it needed to be done otherwise we were about to lose jobs. And instead of the Union supporting him, they :censored2:ted on him because of members crying to RH of their runs being changed. While his tenure in there he NEVER lost a run or work and that can not be said for the other building where others dispatchers work at. And this is just a few things I'm sharing with you. You have NO IDEA how knowledgeable and valuable to the Local he is.

Where is the loyalty to this man? He has done so much and yet you call him by different names with disgrace and he Never bragged about his accomplishments . Yet he stood tall without asking approval from his local and Now he Stands against what this Local has become. You Unionman396 are nothing but a goat that grazes the fields compared to him. Do your homework before you open your stupid mouth. All that time he analyzed everyone in that office, DM, center manager, FM and schedulers to understand what they are thinking to be prepared to counter act any changes were to be done to achieve on creating jobs. He should be example of what your principle officers should be doing.

RH, now that the elections are over. Listen to what the members are asking of you and the local. Stop the war on your members and heal the wounds from bleeding further. Act gracefully to gain respect, integrity and loyalty once again. Don't make us go after you again because WE WILL. WE ARE FAR FROM BEING TDU!

I'm not even going to respond to yours, don't want to waste my time. Just for once BE REAL to yourself, look in the Mirror and see your true colors Not what you want all of us to see.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Astonishing we still have Idiots like Unionman396 who still cant get a grip of himself emotionally, mentally or productively to present a rational conclusion on this election and still works under the current regime. Don't you understand that this is WHY local 396 wanted change, as long as our local continues to allow morons like you represent them, it will be a reason to continue to take them out. The membership has been divided already by a close results and you presume that it was a glorious win, Idiot, it was won by 218 votes. If 109 were swayed in the Glavan's direction instead RH, YOUR MEMBERS CHOICE SLATE would have been out with 3102 votes that came in.

In May's monthly membership meeting RH said something intriguing, "Day of Wrecking Is Coming" as if was a Pirate of the Caribbean movie. Little did he know that it was Ironic because it was HIS Ship that was about to be sunk with all his pirates scrambling to keep the water out. He prevailed this time but if the Captain does not make serious changes within the next 3 years, boy i hate to see you talking or crying then Unionman396.

Aren't you the Steward that was voted out at Cerritos Feeder for being incompetent by your members? The bonehead who claimed he was going to G's fundraiser un-invited. The reject that not only Cerritos but the membership too. RS we know all about you, you cant handle a deep conversation about our membership without blowing up and walking away with your head up somewhere because they didn't agree with you? Dude, chill out and get back to what the members are asking you to do. SHUT UP and get with program or find a cave to sleep for couple of years.

As for SZ, you know little about this man. Most of your group in the local portray him as management? Bro get the facts instead of listening to your ignorant friends and local. His a Teamster member who took a position in the office for almost 9 years to accommodate his family being a single father and left 2 years ago to go back to driving. No different then NA and TP at Cerritos, BM at Grande, JA at Van Nuys and are they management?

We are the only Local in the US that has 7 positions that are offered in our local whom are hourly dispatchers. Your such a :censored2: bag without a strings attached to it. He accomplished more in there then All of your principle officers in his time except for RH. Let me list you some facts to educate you and maybe if you have a brain you relate this to your friends.

1. 2003 thru 2005, when the company wanted to cut cost by shaving Feeder runs because of a corporate decision. He battle with management to prove they were needed and in the process he gained: 1 in Sloca, 2 in Sbarc, 1 in Ventura, 3 in Npaca and 11 in Sfeca. YES Feeder Runs and all approve without the UNIONS help.
2. Ended the grievances between the Coast Feeder drivers against 396 Feeders claims jurisdictional work by working together and making sure Brown drivers were used at All times instead allowing management do the work because of poor planning and sick call blues.
3. Pioneer of utilizing feeder drivers help other building within our local and outside our local when during that time each building selfishly only did there work and were sent home.
4. Created a network with his connections in Freca, Visca and Bkrca to send drivers help thru Heavy Peaks the upper desert desperately needed help in that process he gained a Bkrca run.
5. Re-loop the pick runs to achieve the goal to bring Coast Volume to Van Nuys and San Fernando when these smaller buildings could not handle the volume to time constraint. Create jobs.
6. 2006 thru 2012, gained approval to make changes at Main st to justify Feeder runs that were set to be cut by again corporate demands. Instead of losing runs gained 6 pick up runs and 4 local runs at night.

He battled DM, center manager, schedulers and FM to Justify, Implement and Approve Sleeper and Feeder tractor request for the needs of the operation when the jobs were created. ALL without the help of OUR Beloved Union. Did he ruffle some feathers with drivers because of the drivers not wanting change, Yes. But it needed to be done otherwise we were about to lose jobs. And instead of the Union supporting him, they :censored2:ted on him because of members crying to RH of their runs being changed. While his tenure in there he NEVER lost a run or work and that can not be said for the other building where others dispatchers work at. And this is just a few things I'm sharing with you. You have NO IDEA how knowledgeable and valuable to the Local he is.

Where is the loyalty to this man? He has done so much and yet you call him by different names with disgrace and he Never bragged about his accomplishments . Yet he stood tall without asking approval from his local and Now he Stands against what this Local has become. You Unionman396 are nothing but a goat that grazes the fields compared to him. Do your homework before you open your stupid mouth. All that time he analyzed everyone in that office, DM, center manager, FM and schedulers to understand what they are thinking to be prepared to counter act any changes were to be done to achieve on creating jobs. He should be example of what your principle officers should be doing.

RH, now that the elections are over. Listen to what the members are asking of you and the local. Stop the war on your members and heal the wounds from bleeding further. Act gracefully to gain respect, integrity and loyalty once again. Don't make us go after you again because WE WILL. WE ARE FAR FROM BEING TDU!

I'm not even going to respond to yours, don't want to waste my time. Just for once BE REAL to yourself, look in the Mirror and see your true colors Not what you want all of us to see.


TIME4CHANGE/LB of Olympic,

Dude. Way back when I first met you, when you were trying to be a part of the also "failed" L.A. slate, you said the same things about L.A. then as you are RG today. I watched as YOU and the others, PM, JC, GT and a few more guys argued about what office you were going to take in the local long before you were even a nominated candidate.

You have been on the outside looking in for over 16 years now. Always with something stupid to say.

I attended those meetings when L.A. was running for office by invitation, and frankly, you all were too STUPID to be a part of. Instead of hanging out with you morons, like you for example, I chose to move forward and actually be a part of the local. I completed my term and separated from the local and went back to my hub.

I supported the local but over the years, have grown to dislike a few things they have done but I also understand that as a member, selecting the group that would best represent the members, given the two choices was pretty easy.

RG was NOT a viable candidate, as was L.A. and yourself.

I remember all the stupid talk you all did in those pre election meetings. You guys were a bunch of blowhards with hardons for power. Whether or not you want to believe that you are sided with TDU or not is irrelevant.

RG is.

His associations with TDU are pretty clear, and if you side with him, campaign with him or believe in his message, then its safe to assume you are TDU as well.

We get it, you dont like RH, and its pretty clear that the membership is still angry. This cannot be argued.

But at the end of the day, RH still wins, and we move forward. As I said, RH has some changes to make and I have confidence that he will make the changes over time.

If not, then we have another election in 2017 and this time, forbidding RG's "so you're telling me I have a chance" slogan, another slate will run for office.

But now is the time to be a team, come together and attempt to fix the many things that need to be addressed.

You can still stand out in the street like a palestinian throwing rocks, but its useless rhetoric.

As for S.Z. , its unfortunate for him, that he chose to support RG. Now, he is toxic. Hopefully, over time, he will distance himself from RG's TDU goals and regain some respect from the feeder group.

Its really sad, that YOU could support a candidate who couldnt even bother to make his own ballot count. That is a total sign of weakness.

L.B. , you too are known by many names, none of them good. Your quest for relevance as a unionist is laughable at best.

Dont try so hard.



TRuth HuRts
Tos, Have you used your math to figure how many members we have in local 396 divided by your odds on who am i yet? You have been wrong on the elections outcome statistics and now wrong here again. I'll let keep working on it but as of now I'm NOT LB. LOL

As for your RG comments, let me give to some insight. This was his last shot on running as far as We and I are concerned. That i agree with you and will Not give him my support in the future. It's time for him to step aside, their were things i believe he did not listen to us to accomplish what we intended to do but it was his show this time.

Now TOS as for you, You NEED to chill out. You have becoming an Outcast to all of Local 396. Don't give us the song and dance on how you have everyone on your side because Its NOT TRUE. You have left a trail of negative persona of who you are to all of us. You just moved up to play with the big boys in Feeder and you have yet to learn that talking smack about your fellow teamsters is NOT GOOD. As a business agent, you were worthless and disliked. You constantly post here and on your Facebook nonsense. We been watching you for years and it only gets worse every year with you. Don't push the issue or everyone here and in Local 396 will know who you really are. You don't stand for what you believe or post because your like Chihuahua that barks but doesn't want to bite. So take this as motivation to change.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Tos, Have you used your math to figure how many members we have in local 396 divided by your odds on who am i yet? You have been wrong on the elections outcome statistics and now wrong here again. I'll let keep working on it but as of now I'm NOT LB. LOL

As for your RG comments, let me give to some insight. This was his last shot on running as far as We and I are concerned. That i agree with you and will Not give him my support in the future. It's time for him to step aside, their were things i believe he did not listen to us to accomplish what we intended to do but it was his show this time.

Now TOS as for you, You NEED to chill out. You have becoming an Outcast to all of Local 396. Don't give us the song and dance on how you have everyone on your side because Its NOT TRUE. You have left a trail of negative persona of who you are to all of us. You just moved up to play with the big boys in Feeder and you have yet to learn that talking smack about your fellow teamsters is NOT GOOD. As a business agent, you were worthless and disliked. You constantly post here and on your Facebook nonsense. We been watching you for years and it only gets worse every year with you. Don't push the issue or everyone here and in Local 396 will know who you really are. You don't stand for what you believe or post because your like Chihuahua that barks but doesn't want to bite. So take this as motivation to change.


Sorry, but this election is over. You and those like you that prefer to stand in the street and throw rocks are the real chihuahuas in this game.

Years and years of the same barking from you and the posers that hang with you and not one single positive result.

As for the name calling, well, its part of the game, so I dont take it personally.

Its funny, how your group likes to "dish it out" but cant seem to take it when it gets "dished" back your way.

Have another ice cream cone and go back on the road.
