The partners have left the room

guys on both sides, don't let the contract or fedex distract you, yes we lost some volume temporarily, yes some shippers very vocally used that as an excuse to squeeze our nuts on price and service

BUT, we were losing volume all year and it has everything to do with our economy which has been slowly then quickly run into the ground for over a century, with a lot of checks being cashed on the US name over the last 8 years in one way or another


Stinkin Ginzo
guys on both sides, don't let the contract or fedex distract you, yes we lost some volume temporarily, yes some shippers very vocally used that as an excuse to squeeze our nuts on price and service

BUT, we were losing volume all year and it has everything to do with our economy which has been slowly then quickly run into the ground for over a century, with a lot of checks being cashed on the US name over the last 8 years in one way or another
Thanks mom.