The RIP Thread

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
He's dead...


nowhere special
I've been a subscriber to Popular Mechanics for years and they are reaching their end also. It's really gone down hill the last few years.
I subscribed many years ago but gave up when it became mostly garbage. I'm surprised they lasted this long.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Sorry if I want to celebrate Kissinger’s death but I don’t buy what the MSM is selling, That has served me well in the past. No telling what we don’t know about this man.

During his time in charge of the American foreign policy machine, Kissinger also directed illegal arms sales to Pakistan as it carried out a brutal crackdown on its Bengali population in 1971. He supported the 1973 military coup that overthrew a democratically elected socialist government in Chile, gave the go-ahead to Indonesia’s 1975 invasion of East Timor, and backed Argentina’s repressive military dictatorship as it launched its “dirty war” against dissenters and leftists in 1976. His policies during the Ford administration also fueled civil wars in Africa, most notably in Angola.

Even the most generous calculations suggest that the murderous regimes Kissinger supported and the conflicts they waged were responsible for millions of deaths and millions of other human rights abuses, during and after the eight years he served in the American government.

Kissinger never showed remorse for those misdeeds. He never paid any real price for them either. He maintained a mocking tone toward critics of his human rights record throughout his life, and remained a member in good standing of elite Washington political society until his death.

That last sentence says it all!


nowhere special
Sorry if I want to celebrate Kissinger’s death but I don’t buy what the MSM is selling, That has served me well in the past. No telling what we don’t know about this man.

During his time in charge of the American foreign policy machine, Kissinger also directed illegal arms sales to Pakistan as it carried out a brutal crackdown on its Bengali population in 1971. He supported the 1973 military coup that overthrew a democratically elected socialist government in Chile, gave the go-ahead to Indonesia’s 1975 invasion of East Timor, and backed Argentina’s repressive military dictatorship as it launched its “dirty war” against dissenters and leftists in 1976. His policies during the Ford administration also fueled civil wars in Africa, most notably in Angola.

Even the most generous calculations suggest that the murderous regimes Kissinger supported and the conflicts they waged were responsible for millions of deaths and millions of other human rights abuses, during and after the eight years he served in the American government.

Kissinger never showed remorse for those misdeeds. He never paid any real price for them either. He maintained a mocking tone toward critics of his human rights record throughout his life, and remained a member in good standing of elite Washington political society until his death.

That last sentence says it all!
I always felt he had his own agenda no matter who he was supposedly working for.