The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
They're so worried about elections they're afraid to go after anyone. Obama clearly usurped Congressional authority with some of his executive orders. Did they go after him for it? Spineless wimps.

Most Republicans are in solid red districts and only have to worry about being primaried out by a candidate who is even farther to the right. So I don’t think going after Democrats is a huge concern for most.

Well they haven't had anything on Trump for a year and yet here we are

Mueller is methodically building a case. And we don’t know what he already knows. You start with the little guys like Papadopoulos and work your way up.

So all that covering up on her part was effective, eh?

I guess! You’d think SOMEBODY would have something actionable. I’ve always thought of she and Bill as having a Frank and Claire Underwood level shady potential. But I haven’t seen any of it.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Let see if this loser is just as giddy when his pedophile Hollywood friends are indicted. Can't wait to hear the jokes for the next couple of years.

You and me both. Will then have our national security AND the security of women and children squared away.


Staff member
Then you need to go back and read my posts. If they've done anything wrong they need to answer for it. I just smh at the effort being made to dislodge Trump from the White House while Hillary gets a free pass.
Hillary has never gotten a free pass. She's been continuously investigated from Ken Starr to Trey Gordy.


Well-Known Member
I find it humorous how many times I've been told that Hillary is old news, we should focus on the current administration, and yet the big indictment was over something done over ten years ago by Trump's campaign manager who was fired from the campaign and wasn't involved with Trump when he allegedly did something wrong all those years ago. And Trump should be nervous? If this thing is one sided, and Mueller doesn't go after Tony Podesta and his brother John, and thus Hillary, then obviously this is nothing but an attempt to bring down Trump.
Van, we already know that is the truth. Their mantra is "if there are allegations they must be investigated to see if there is any truth."
Regarding allegations of Hillary's lawlessness its, "You've been trying to get her since 1992" or "there's nothing to see here" or some such rubbish.
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Well-Known Member
both sides being investigated. why am i not suprised. hillary and trump are just awful: a neoliberal warmongerer, and a neo fascist.

jeremy scahill Retweeted
Ryan Saavedra
‏Verified account @RealSaavedra
15h15 hours ago
Here's the letter Podesta's lawyer sent to Tucker Carlson which threatens legal action if he doesn't quit reporting on them.




Well-Known Member
They're so worried about elections they're afraid to go after anyone...

Right, because trying to indict Hillary has always been such a liability for Republicans up for reelection.


Trump is the Prez and Republicans control all levers of government.

If they wanted, they could go after Hill-dog hammer and tongs, yet they don't.

Trump could blow the whole thing wide open, if there's something to blow open, yet he doesn't, and instead tweet-storms about how he can't understand why the 'government' isn't going after Hillary.

(Clue-phone's ringing Trump, the government is you, so what's the problem?)


Well-Known Member
Right, because trying to indict Hillary has always been such a liability for Republicans up for reelection.


Trump is the Prez and Republicans control all levers of government.

If they wanted, they could go after Hill-dog hammer and tongs, yet they don't.

Trump could blow the whole thing wide open, if there's something to blow open, yet he doesn't, and instead tweet-storms about how he can't understand why the 'government' isn't going after Hillary.

(Clue-phone's ringing Trump, the government is you, so what's the problem?)
Nope, the attorney general acts independently. The only thing Trump can do is fire Sessions if he thinks Sessions isn't doing his job. But he can't order Sessions to investigate anyone. Now someone like Lynch might bow to the President's wishes and meet Bill Clinton during an investigation of his wife. But we know all they discussed was their kids and golf game. There has never been anything remotely suggestive of Hillary doing anything illegal. She and Bill were too busy giving speeches to have the time to be naughty. When she deleted those 33000 personal emails she was heard laughing her head off for hours at all the fond memories of Chelsea's wedding. She's good people.


Well-Known Member
Nope, the attorney general acts independently. The only thing Trump can do is fire Sessions if he thinks Sessions isn't doing his job. But he can't order Sessions to investigate anyone. Now someone like Lynch might bow to the President's wishes and meet Bill Clinton during an investigation of his wife. But we know all they discussed was their kids and golf game. There has never been anything remotely suggestive of Hillary doing anything illegal. She and Bill were too busy giving speeches to have the time to be naughty. When she deleted those 33000 personal emails she was heard laughing her head off for hours at all the fond memories of Chelsea's wedding. She's good people.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're not that naive, and yes, I realize that most of your post was sarcastic.

And, of course, the President can't instruct the Justice Department to investigate anyone: that would be illegal, as well as gauche.

But here's the thing - Trump has all the cards here.

Remember? The President can declassify anything, and he has everything at his fingertips.

Trump is all but daring the Justice Department to go after Clinton with his endless juvenile tweets.

So, if there really is anything 'there' there about Clinton, it's not a case of Trump instructing the Justice Department to do anything, he just gives them the information that Hill-Dog is the traitorous treasonous crazy b that she is, and boom: legitimate investigations ensue.

Why hasn't that happened? Heck, for Hillary to be charged with something wouldn't even need Trump. Why hasn't Sessions brought charges against Hillary? He's in 'the know', as they say, now that he's head of the largest law enforcement agency in the galaxy.

Yet, we have weak 'no, you're stupid' tweets from the President to distract from the fact that he's the one on the hot seat.

When Obama was President, and Loretta Lynch was in charge, the Republicans spent years and millions of tax-payer money to try and nail Clinton.

Trump is President, Sessions is in charge, what's the problem?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So what's the republican spin on Sessions perjury? Papadopoulis says Sessions told him not to follow up on his contacts with Russia. Sessions testified under oath that no one from the campaign had Russian contacts. Is it going to be a "definition of is is" defense?