The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Bad Moon Risen'
If Putin said he didn't meddle that many times then it must be true.

Rouhani has said repeatedly that his nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only so that must be true also.

Fox has said repeatedly that Mexico will not pay for the wall so.....


Well-Known Member
If Putin said he didn't meddle that many times then it must be true.

Rouhani has said repeatedly that his nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only so that must be true also.

Fox has said repeatedly that Mexico will not pay for the wall so.....
Russia's problem is they're no longer communists. Thus the American Left no longer sees them as allies.


Well-Known Member
Change in confidence in US leadership from Obama to Trump
Germany: -75%
South Korea: -71%
France: -70%
Canada: -61%
UK: -57%
Australia: -55%
Japan: -54%
Russia: +42%

Source: Pew Research


Well-Known Member
so maybe russia did meddle with the election i havent been following but the whole conversation is ridiculous:

-many forces affect election outcomes besides russia including media, voting laws, etc
-if you get rid of trump and pence, you are still royally screwed
-this russia conversation makes no mention of US interfering with elections around the world and its the country most guilty of this
-there are a ton of good reasons why hillary lost besides russia and focusing solely on russia seems like a way of deflecting from those real issues of bankrupt liberals such as hillary, bill clinton, and obama.
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Well-Known Member
Nothing to see here, Everything is fine.
would be interesting to know what influence other countries had on previous elections.

the whole thing is politicized. yes trump may very well be guilty. by why is james clapper not in jail for lying about NSA mass surveillance? why are previous presidents not in jail for war crimes?
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