The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Let's review this fact , the impeachment process can only begin in the House of Representatives and the GOP owns the chamber . So the earliest time the whole issue can be acted upon is when and if the Dems can regain control .
Republicans could act in the country's best interest and impeach Trump when Mueller drops his report outlining the obstruction case.

Lol, I crack myself up.


Strength through joy
White House: Mueller has not subpoenaed Trump’s bank records

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday disputed reports that special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed President Trump’s bank records.

“We confirmed that the news reports [that] the special counsel had subpoenaed financial records related to the president are completely false,” Sanders said during the daily press briefing.

“No subpoena has been issued or received. We have confirmed this with the bank and other sources. I think this is another example of the media going too far and too fast and we don't see it going in that direction," she said.

Citing an anonymous and unidentified official, Reuters reportedearlier Tuesday that Mueller’s team had subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank, where Trump is believed to have a line of credit and to have conducted tens of millions of dollars in transactions.

But Sanders said those reports are false and were another example of the news media getting something wrong in the frenzy to report on the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.


Well-Known Member
Here's the thing. Trump was being attacked relentlessly, accused of colluding with Russians to defraud the election process. Imagine yourself in that situation. You're saying he obstructed justice over something that to this day there's no evidence of. Doesn't matter, you want him gone so will nail him for the slightest error. Can't compare him to Nixon. Nixon's staff were involved in an actual crime. And you don't want to hear about the other candidate's actions that merit her own investigation. You just want Trump gone and somehow give the presidency to the Democrats if possible. It's funny how during the campaign Hillary and others made such a big deal over Trump saying he may not concede her win. When the shoe was on the other foot you folks just couldn't concede he won fair and square. He won the electoral college, that's our process. It's time you folks start preparing for 2020 and get over your sour grapes. And better hope the economy doesn't keep doing 3% growth or better. All the sky is falling nonsense won't help you if the economy booms.

Nice try at distraction. Look I didn't mention anything about Trump being removed from office. I didn't mention anything about the election or the next election, or the slightly worse job market since Trump's election.

I am pointing out that republicans don't actually care about policy, or morality, or honesty, or competence, or government corruption, etc and that their embrace of Trump a man who believes nothing, is a liar, immoral, a bigot, uninformed, emotionally immature, etc reflects real republican values.

What Trump shows is the craven nature of the republican voters and republican elected officials. I love pointing it out that there is no popular conservative agenda that matters to republican voters, that the whole republican ideology that republicans claimed to value means nothing to them. That for republican elected officials the only thing that matters is tax cuts for the wealthy something that republican voters don't care about.


Well-Known Member
Nice try at distraction. Look I didn't mention anything about Trump being removed from office. I didn't mention anything about the election or the next election, or the slightly worse job market since Trump's election.

I am pointing out that republicans don't actually care about policy, or morality, or honesty, or competence, or government corruption, etc and that their embrace of Trump a man who believes nothing, is a liar, immoral, a bigot, uninformed, emotionally immature, etc reflects real republican values.

What Trump shows is the craven nature of the republican voters and republican elected officials. I love pointing it out that there is no popular conservative agenda that matters to republican voters, that the whole republican ideology that republicans claimed to value means nothing to them. That for republican elected officials the only thing that matters is tax cuts for the wealthy something that republican voters don't care about.
Republicans care about business succeeding. If they do that means jobs. All things are possible with plentiful work. More people working means more income taxed and thus we can pay for programs like Social Security and Medicare. And yes some get very wealthy in the process. So what? When Democrats create spending programs who pays for it? There aren't enough wealthy people to pay for it all. It falls on the middle class. With a robust economy you might pull it off. With high taxes and burdensome regulations that's pretty much impossible to do. Give people good jobs, not handouts. And please get off your high horse. Democrat leaders somehow manage to do very well financially while talking the good talk about how much they care. Yet the country's poor never seem to get out of poverty. And it's a documented fact that Republicans give more to charity than Democrats. Democrats always seem to want to tell everyone else what to do with their money, but not with their own. Do as I say, not as I do.


Well-Known Member
Nice try at distraction. Look I didn't mention anything about Trump being removed from office. I didn't mention anything about the election or the next election, or the slightly worse job market since Trump's election.

I am pointing out that republicans don't actually care about policy, or morality, or honesty, or competence, or government corruption, etc and that their embrace of Trump a man who believes nothing, is a liar, immoral, a bigot, uninformed, emotionally immature, etc reflects real republican values.

What Trump shows is the craven nature of the republican voters and republican elected officials. I love pointing it out that there is no popular conservative agenda that matters to republican voters, that the whole republican ideology that republicans claimed to value means nothing to them. That for republican elected officials the only thing that matters is tax cuts for the wealthy something that republican voters don't care about.
And P.S. I quoted you talking about the Trump investigation so it wasn't deflection.


Well-Known Member
Republicans care about business succeeding. If they do that means jobs. All things are possible with plentiful work. More people working means more income taxed and thus we can pay for programs like Social Security and Medicare. And yes some get very wealthy in the process. So what? When Democrats create spending programs who pays for it? There aren't enough wealthy people to pay for it all. It falls on the middle class. With a robust economy you might pull it off. With high taxes and burdensome regulations that's pretty much impossible to do. Give people good jobs, not handouts. And please get off your high horse. Democrat leaders somehow manage to do very well financially while talking the good talk about how much they care. Yet the country's poor never seem to get out of poverty. And it's a documented fact that Republicans give more to charity than Democrats. Democrats always seem to want to tell everyone else what to do with their money, but not with their own. Do as I say, not as I do.

Nah, businesses being successful is not the motivation behind this tax bill. Plus even most republican voters don't think the wealthy need a tax cut. This tax cut bill is just a giveaway to the rich.

Bottom line this tax bill will raise taxes on 8-10% of taxpayers in 2019. It will only increase from there. The tax cut bill's design is huge gigantic tax cuts for the wealthy. The top 1% claim 62% of the tax cuts, and very little, to no tax cuts, to tax increases for everyone else.

And, the most popular government programs with republican voters are the largest federal government programs social security and medicare are very popular with republican voters.


Well-Known Member
And P.S. I quoted you talking about the Trump investigation so it wasn't deflection.
You didn't quote me. You posted, "you are saying he committed obstruction of justice" which is true I am saying he committed obstruction of justice, and there was a crime he already admitted that he knew Flynn broke the law. Flynn plead guilty. So pretending that there was no crime is just nonsense.

But after you correctly noted in a very short sentence that I think Trump committed obstruction of justice, you went on a distraction tour.


Well-Known Member
You didn't quote me. You posted, "you are saying he committed obstruction of justice" which is true I am saying he committed obstruction of justice, and there was a crime he already admitted that he knew Flynn broke the law. Flynn plead guilty. So pretending that there was no crime is just nonsense.

But after you correctly noted in a very short sentence that I think Trump committed obstruction of justice, you went on a distraction tour.
Well excuse me for not sticking to your Republicans are horrible diatribe. My interpretation of quoting is replying to your post where all can see what I was replying to.


Well-Known Member
Nah, businesses being successful is not the motivation behind this tax bill. Plus even most republican voters don't think the wealthy need a tax cut. This tax cut bill is just a giveaway to the rich.

Bottom line this tax bill will raise taxes on 8-10% of taxpayers in 2019. It will only increase from there. The tax cut bill's design is huge gigantic tax cuts for the wealthy. The top 1% claim 62% of the tax cuts, and very little, to no tax cuts, to tax increases for everyone else.

And, the most popular government programs with republican voters are the largest federal government programs social security and medicare are very popular with republican voters.


Well-Known Member
Well excuse me for not sticking to your Republicans are horrible diatribe. My interpretation of quoting is replying to your post where all can see what I was replying to.

Another distraction. You didn't interpret anything related to my post you just posted oh you think this and then went on a distraction tour.


Well-Known Member
Another distraction. You didn't interpret anything related to my post you just posted oh you think this and then went on a distraction tour.
And once again a Democrat makes it personal instead of discussing the substance. You have nothing but smears of Republicans. Republicans are this or that. Please discuss what Democrats have accomplished in terms of policy in the last 10 years that made the country better without harming it's financial stability.