The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
So we gotta know everything about Benghazi, but nothing about this incident. SMH

Again, republicans don’t care about Benghazi anymore than they care about this last tragedy. Just keep proving my point.

Bottomline though is Trump admitted to obstruction of justice and all the whataboutism cannot change that fact.
What is it about this incident that's so mysterious to you? Soldiers went to a village to talk with local leaders. They were ambushed. It was over fairly quickly. Compare that to two different locations in Benghazi that were attacked over a long span. The first attack got the U.S. ambassador killed. Same ambassador who repeatedly asked for more security from the State Department and was denied. And if not for the actions of some very brave men the second attack would've resulted in a much greater loss of life. And our administration's response was to concoct a story about a video that outraged Muslims. Interesting that no other attacks occurred elsewhere in the Muslim world in response to that video. The whole point about Benghazi is our government put politics ahead of it's citizens' safety. Just another reason why Hillary lost.


Well-Known Member
What is it about this incident that's so mysterious to you? Soldiers went to a village to talk with local leaders. They were ambushed. It was over fairly quickly. Compare that to two different locations in Benghazi that were attacked over a long span. The first attack got the U.S. ambassador killed. Same ambassador who repeatedly asked for more security from the State Department and was denied. And if not for the actions of some very brave men the second attack would've resulted in a much greater loss of life. And our administration's response was to concoct a story about a video that outraged Muslims. Interesting that no other attacks occurred elsewhere in the Muslim world in response to that video. The whole point about Benghazi is our government put politics ahead of it's citizens' safety. Just another reason why Hillary lost.

I want to know why they were there. I want to know why they didn’t have adequate protection. I want to know, etc

Why don’t you want to know more? Oh that’s right cause it happened while Trump is president. So now it’s soldiers die all the time no biggie.

Again, I’m not gonna pretend that republicans actually care about Benghazi. The reaction to the recent tragedy is all the proof I need.

Bottomline, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice.

He tweeted he knew Flynn broke the law. He said he discussed with Comey, laying off of Flynn when again he knew Flynn broke the law. Then he goes on national tv and says I fired Comey because he didn’t make the Russia investigation go away.

I’m not quoting some conspiracy theory or mind reading. These are things Trump admitted to which are obstruction of justice.


Well-Known Member
I want to know why they were there. I want to know why they didn’t have adequate protection. I want to know, etc

Why don’t you want to know more? Oh that’s right cause it happened while Trump is president. So now it’s soldiers die all the time no biggie.

Again, I’m not gonna pretend that republicans actually care about Benghazi. The reaction to the recent tragedy is all the proof I need.

Bottomline, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice.

He tweeted he knew Flynn broke the law. He said he discussed with Comey, laying off of Flynn when again he knew Flynn broke the law. Then he goes on national tv and says I fired Comey because he didn’t make the Russia investigation go away.

I’m not quoting some conspiracy theory or mind reading. These are things Trump admitted to which are obstruction of justice.
It's already known that they were ambushed. Why do you need to know everything? There are actions every government takes in secret and by the way they may have been placed there by the Obama administration for all we know. You are aware of the serious problems Boko Haram has been causing in the region? But there's no comparison with Benghazi. These soldiers were on a mission, got ambushed and killed. Terrible thing but a fact of life in their line of work. Benghazi on the other hand was a drawn out affair that most likely would have resulted in fewer lives lost if our government had responded to calls for help. These were private citizens too, not soldiers.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Let's get your ass in a seat where you can't make these stupid comments. I would hold the guy's hand and walk him to the point I wanted to make. Get it? That's how it works, you never ask a question whose answer you don't have. Can turn out very nasty if you do. Enjoy the day in the sun you think you are enjoying. Remember post 2669.
Is there a point here? Sounds like drunken rambling to me.


Well-Known Member
It's already known that they were ambushed. Why do you need to know everything? There are actions every government takes in secret and by the way they may have been placed there by the Obama administration for all we know. You are aware of the serious problems Boko Haram has been causing in the region? But there's no comparison with Benghazi. These soldiers were on a mission, got ambushed and killed. Terrible thing but a fact of life in their line of work. Benghazi on the other hand was a drawn out affair that most likely would have resulted in fewer lives lost if our government had responded to calls for help. These were private citizens too, not soldiers.
Exactly, we don’t have to knkw about the tragedy there, which keeps proving my point.

Once again none of that whataboutism changes that Trump admitted to obstruction of justice.


Well-Known Member
Trump’s lawyer confirms Trump committed obstruction of justice but says it doesn’t matter because Trump is president.

Outside of the bs, this shouldn’t sit right with anyone.

Trump mr law and order, mr drain the swamp attacks the Fbi, he admitted that he obstructed justice, and then has his lawyer basically says well he can break the law with impunity because he is president.


Strength through joy
Obama's DOJ thought that Flynn had violated the Logan Act, the 218-year-old law under which no one has ever been prosecuted, that prohibits private citizens from acting on behalf of the United States in disputes with foreign governments.

Why wasn't this brought up when Sen. Fatboy Kennedy was in actual talks with the Russians to defeat President Reagan ?


Strength through joy
Trump’s lawyer confirms Trump committed obstruction of justice but says it doesn’t matter because Trump is president.

Outside of the bs, this shouldn’t sit right with anyone.

Trump mr law and order, mr drain the swamp attacks the Fbi, he admitted that he obstructed justice, and then has his lawyer basically says well he can break the law with impunity because he is president.
I didn't hear you speak when BHO was breaking the laws while he was POTUS.


Well-Known Member
Except that Trump did no such thing.
Trump’s lawyer kind of disagrees. If you client didn’t commit obstruction of justice, you say my client didn’t commit obstruction of justice. You don’t say my client can commit obstruction legally because he is President and is the chief law enforcer.

Seriously that’s the legal argument Trump’s lawyer went with today in an interview.


Well-Known Member
I didn't hear you speak when BHO was breaking the laws while he was POTUS.

More whataboutism. I know Obama broke the law yet no one in his administration was charged with a crime.

Trump in less than a year in office has two people confess to breaking the law and two others indicted.

Plus Trump already admitted to obstruction of justice.

I know, I know the government is out to get republicans. Lol


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Again, he admitted to text book obstruction of justice.

He knew Flynn broke the law he admitted this.

He then discusses with Comey that he should lay off Flynn and go easy on him. Again he knew Flynn broke the law.

Then after Comey doesn’t stop investigating Flynn and Russia, Trump fires him and then goes on tv and says I fired him because he didn’t make the Russia investigation go away.

All of these things are obstruction of justice.


Well-Known Member
Obama's DOJ thought that Flynn had violated the Logan Act, the 218-year-old law under which no one has ever been prosecuted, that prohibits private citizens from acting on behalf of the United States in disputes with foreign governments.

Why wasn't this brought up when Sen. Fatboy Kennedy was in actual talks with the Russians to defeat President Reagan ?


More whataboutism snow it’s Obama’s fault that Trump brought in Flynn.

Trump admitted hey I knew Flynn broke the law. He admits he discussed Comey taking it easy on Flynn even though he knew Flynn broke the law.

Then Trump went on national tv and said hey I fired Comey cause he wouldn’t make the Russia investigation go away.

See how I don’t have to make up anything or read Trump’s mind or make wild claims. This is what trump either tweeted ir said in interviews.


Well-Known Member
Don't let facts get in the way of what you "know".
I accept the facts that I laid out come directly from Trump.

He admitted he knew Flynn broke the law that’s a fact.

He admitted that he discussed with Comey him taking it easy on Flynn despite knowing that Flynn broke the law that’s another fact.

He went on national tv and gave an interview in which he said when he fired Comey the Russia investigation not going away was on his mind that’s a fact.

These are all things Trump said or tweeted. Those are facts.


Well-Known Member
Obama's DOJ thought that Flynn had violated the Logan Act, the 218-year-old law under which no one has ever been prosecuted, that prohibits private citizens from acting on behalf of the United States in disputes with foreign governments.

Why wasn't this brought up when Sen. Fatboy Kennedy was in actual talks with the Russians to defeat President Reagan ?

I didn't hear you speak when BHO was breaking the laws while he was POTUS.
Deflection is not a good defense. Just sayin......


Strength through joy
Let's review this fact , the impeachment process can only begin in the House of Representatives and the GOP owns the chamber . So the earliest time the whole issue can be acted upon is when and if the Dems can regain control .


Well-Known Member
Trump’s lawyer confirms Trump committed obstruction of justice but says it doesn’t matter because Trump is president.

Outside of the bs, this shouldn’t sit right with anyone.

Trump mr law and order, mr drain the swamp attacks the Fbi, he admitted that he obstructed justice, and then has his lawyer basically says well he can break the law with impunity because he is president.
Here's the thing. Trump was being attacked relentlessly, accused of colluding with Russians to defraud the election process. Imagine yourself in that situation. You're saying he obstructed justice over something that to this day there's no evidence of. Doesn't matter, you want him gone so will nail him for the slightest error. Can't compare him to Nixon. Nixon's staff were involved in an actual crime. And you don't want to hear about the other candidate's actions that merit her own investigation. You just want Trump gone and somehow give the presidency to the Democrats if possible. It's funny how during the campaign Hillary and others made such a big deal over Trump saying he may not concede her win. When the shoe was on the other foot you folks just couldn't concede he won fair and square. He won the electoral college, that's our process. It's time you folks start preparing for 2020 and get over your sour grapes. And better hope the economy doesn't keep doing 3% growth or better. All the sky is falling nonsense won't help you if the economy booms.