The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
Text Messages in Hand, Republicans Plan to Accuse Justice Department of Bias

The release Tuesday night of friend.B.I. officials’ text messages describing the possibility of a victory by Donald J. Trump as “terrifying” and saying that Hillary Clinton “just has to win” is certain to fuel a Republican campaign to attack the impartiality of the Justice Department and its special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III — and possibly hamper him with an investigation of the special counsel’s office.

Accusations of bias, primed by the newly released texts from an friend.B.I. agent, Peter Strzok, and an friend.B.I. lawyer, Lisa Page, are likely to take center stage on Wednesday when Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who appointed Mr. Mueller as special counsel, testifies before the House Judiciary Committee. Republicans say they will press Mr. Rosenstein to appoint a second special counsel to investigate political partisanship in the department and to scrutinize Mr. Trump’s former presidential rival, Mrs. Clinton.


Well-Known Member
Text Messages in Hand, Republicans Plan to Accuse Justice Department of Bias

The release Tuesday night of friend.B.I. officials’ text messages describing the possibility of a victory by Donald J. Trump as “terrifying” and saying that Hillary Clinton “just has to win” is certain to fuel a Republican campaign to attack the impartiality of the Justice Department and its special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III — and possibly hamper him with an investigation of the special counsel’s office.

Accusations of bias, primed by the newly released texts from an friend.B.I. agent, Peter Strzok, and an friend.B.I. lawyer, Lisa Page, are likely to take center stage on Wednesday when Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who appointed Mr. Mueller as special counsel, testifies before the House Judiciary Committee. Republicans say they will press Mr. Rosenstein to appoint a second special counsel to investigate political partisanship in the department and to scrutinize Mr. Trump’s former presidential rival, Mrs. Clinton.
Yeah good luck with that.
AG says no cause Republicans double down on attacks on Mueller after anti-Trump texts


Strength through joy
It's been one year since Trump was notified of the dossier and back then he dismissed it as polictical trash . And nothing up to today has proven him wrong .


Well-Known Member
It cannot be said enough and I am guilty of not posting it, that Trump believes Purim over our nation’s intelligence who say Russia interfered in our election to help Trump win.

So because Trump believes Putin over US intelligence, they have to shield Trump from this when discussing Russia.

This is traitorous behavior and again proves that for all his America first rhetoric......Trump sides with Putin time and again over US intelligence.
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Well-Known Member
Equally insane is the new standard from republicans that if a person who is a federal investigator says a negative thing about Trump....

First federal investigators have every right to their own personal opinions and to suggest those opinions disqualifies them from investigating Trump is a standard we’ve never used.

Wait a minute don’t Trump supporters say Trump’s insane tweets don’t matter?
that all the crazy shyt he says on twitter is irrelevant and blown out of proportion?

Well how doesn’t that same standard apply to EVERYONE?

You can’t ignore Trump’s many insane tweets as irrelevant and then trip over a federal workers emails where they expresses an opinion.

Once again republicans don’t actually believe what they claim. Same old bs.


Well-Known Member
This is how low republicans have sunk.

They defend and voted for a man who says Muslims shouldn’t be able to serve in elected office.

They defend and voted for a man who says homosexuality should be illegal.

They defend and voted for a man who says the last time America was great was during slavery.

They defend and voted for a man who said all of the amendments after the 10th should be gone.

That’s before getting to his consistently violating the law.

That’s before the molestation charges.

Yet the President and the RNC supported this man.

This is who republicans are.


Strength through joy
Actually the RNC dropped supporting him once the alleged incidents surfaced .
And yes , homos should go back into their closets .
If you recall Trump backed the guy who lost the primary to Moore .


Well-Known Member
Actually the RNC dropped supporting him once the alleged incidents surfaced .
And yes , homos should go back into their closets .
If you recall Trump backed the guy who lost the primary to Moore .

This is wrong, the RNC and the president in the closing weeks were behind Moore. That’s all that matters.

This is who they supported.

Moore’s opinion is that homosexuality should be illegal.

Moore’s opinion is that Muslims shouldn’t be able to serve in elected office.

Moore’s opinion is that the last time America was great was during slavery.

Moore’s opinion is that every amendment after the 10th should be gone.

Moore regularly violated the law.

Moore is a credibly accused child molester.


golden ticket member
This is wrong, the RNC and the president in the closing weeks were behind Moore. That’s all that matters.

This is who they supported.

Moore’s opinion is that homosexuality should be illegal.

Moore’s opinion is that Muslims shouldn’t be able to serve in elected office.

Moore’s opinion is that the last time America was great was during slavery.

Moore’s opinion is that every amendment after the 10th should be gone.

Moore regularly violated the law.

Moore is a credibly accused child molester.
Yeah, but he rides a paint horse so that makes him a good guy!


Strength through joy
Moore is a credibly accused child molester.
Ok, where and when were criminal charges filed against Moore ?
Never , it was just dirty politics .
Which has backlashed upon the ones who first started throwing the mud . Now more want to be elected people are having second thoughts about running for office and those in office are running scared that they maybe next .


Inordinately Right
Ok, where and when were criminal charges filed against Moore ?
Never , it was just dirty politics.
The attention the accusations got was politically fueled. That doesn't mean he's not a child molester.
Now more want to be elected people are having second thoughts about running for office and those in office are running scared that they maybe next .
That's a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Ok, where and when were criminal charges filed against Moore ?
Never , it was just dirty politics .
Which has backlashed upon the ones who first started throwing the mud . Now more want to be elected people are having second thoughts about running for office and those in office are running scared that they maybe next .

Being credibly accused has nothing to do with charges.

But if you think the best America can get are child molesters to run for office......smh.