The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Actually the RNC dropped supporting him once the alleged incidents surfaced .
And yes , homos should go back into their closets .
If you recall Trump backed the guy who lost the primary to Moore .
@Baba gounj, you know that is not true, and PACs like America First Action donated over a million dollars to his campaign.

As to tRUmp, it is amazing that a sitting Republican president can support not only a candidate for US Senate that lost to a Democrat in Alabama, but also lost in the primary with a sitting Republican senator to a judge who defied the SCOTUS and had to be removed twice from office.

MAGA indeed.


Staff member
Text Messages in Hand, Republicans Plan to Accuse Justice Department of Bias

The release Tuesday night of friend.B.I. officials’ text messages describing the possibility of a victory by Donald J. Trump as “terrifying” and saying that Hillary Clinton “just has to win” is certain to fuel a Republican campaign to attack the impartiality of the Justice Department and its special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III — and possibly hamper him with an investigation of the special counsel’s office.

Accusations of bias, primed by the newly released texts from an friend.B.I. agent, Peter Strzok, and an friend.B.I. lawyer, Lisa Page, are likely to take center stage on Wednesday when Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who appointed Mr. Mueller as special counsel, testifies before the House Judiciary Committee. Republicans say they will press Mr. Rosenstein to appoint a second special counsel to investigate political partisanship in the department and to scrutinize Mr. Trump’s former presidential rival, Mrs. Clinton.
This is so stupid. You suggest that because a partisan is involved in the investigation, the Trump obviously couls not have lied on numerous background checks, failed to disclose foreign contacts, or had shady dealings with Russians before, during, and after the election? Why would the two be mutually exclusive?


Well-Known Member
This is so stupid. You suggest that because a partisan is involved in the investigation, the Trump obviously couls not have lied on numerous background checks, failed to disclose foreign contacts, or had shady dealings with Russians before, during, and after the election? Why would the two be mutually exclusive?


Staff member
If you can't fathom a world where both can be true, you really are in Trump fantasy land.

I mean, really. It's not uncommon for people to come on here and bash Fedex (or UPS) and show up to work the next day and perform professionally.

But somehow, career professionals in the FBI and Justice Department are so pathetic that they can't do so?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If you can't fathom a world where both can be true, you really are in Trump fantasy land.

I mean, really. It's not uncommon for people to come on here and bash Fedex (or UPS) and show up to work the next day and perform professionally.

But somehow, career professionals in the FBI and Justice Department are so pathetic that they can't do so?
Don't you know all the old white guys that have made their careers in law enforcement are raging tree hugging liberals? It's a shame that a significant portion of the country will swallow the propoganda and believe the FBI has become a corrupt institution, all to protect the most corrupt president we've ever had. MAGA


Well-Known Member
If you can't fathom a world where both can be true, you really are in Trump fantasy land.

I mean, really. It's not uncommon for people to come on here and bash Fedex (or UPS) and show up to work the next day and perform professionally.

But somehow, career professionals in the FBI and Justice Department are so pathetic that they can't do so?
It's coming out right and left that members of the intelligence community and the FBI are blatantly antiTrump and are working towards destroying his presidency. Meanwhile still nothing concrete about Russian collusion. You better be careful what you wish for. Bad enough when the media is bashing the president(and yes I'm including Obama bashing), but a whole different animal when members of the government are trying to bring a president down. If that's the direction we are going we're in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Don't you know all the old white guys that have made their careers in law enforcement are raging tree hugging liberals? It's a shame that a significant portion of the country will swallow the propoganda and believe the FBI has become a corrupt institution, all to protect the most corrupt president we've ever had. MAGA
Judging from the latest revelations you must be referring to Obama.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's coming out right and left that members of the intelligence community and the FBI are blatantly antiTrump and are working towards destroying his presidency. Meanwhile still nothing concrete about Russian collusion. You better be careful what you wish for. Bad enough when the media is bashing the president(and yes I'm including Obama bashing), but a whole different animal when members of the government are trying to bring a president down. If that's the direction we are going we're in trouble.
Is there a conspiracy theory you even question let alone not believe? There is no deep state conspiracy to take down Trump. If there was he wouldn't have been elected to begin with. The career professionals in the FBI are following the mission given to them. They are pursuing corrupt government officials. They already have 2 guilty pleas and 2 more campaign officials indicted. Trump is crying foul because his lackeys are going down all around him and he's scared of what they will find next.


Strength through joy
Don't you know all the old white guys that have made their careers in law enforcement are raging tree hugging liberals? It's a shame that a significant portion of the country will swallow the propoganda and believe the FBI has become a corrupt institution, all to protect the most corrupt president we've ever had. MAGA
Not Propoganda .
In Boston we had the FBI and the Brothers Bulgers , Whitey & Billy , working hand in hand . Whitey worked his way to the FBI's most wanted list in second place behind OBL . He used the FBI to take down the Italian mob so that he could be the #1 gangster. Then he turned his FBI handlers into his employees , where they helped him murder any whistle blowers . Every time a electronic bug was planted at Whitey's HQ and the FBI was notified , Whitey knew . The local LEO's had no trust in the FBI .

The Brothers Bulger: How They Terrorized and Corrupted Boston for a Quarter Century by Howie Carr

The Boston Globe


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Not Propoganda .
In Boston we had the FBI and the Brothers Bulgers , Whitey & Billy , working hand in hand . Whitey worked his way to the FBI's most wanted list in second place behind OBL . He used the FBI to take down the Italian mob so that he could be the #1 gangster. Then he turned his FBI handlers into his employees , where they helped him murder any whistle blowers . Every time a electronic bug was planted at Whitey's HQ and the FBI was notified , Whitey knew . The local LEO's had no trust in the FBI .

The Brothers Bulger: How They Terrorized and Corrupted Boston for a Quarter Century by Howie Carr

The Boston Globe

Why is a crime committed in the 70's relevant to today's FBI?


Well-Known Member
Is there a conspiracy theory you even question let alone not believe? There is no deep state conspiracy to take down Trump. If there was he wouldn't have been elected to begin with. The career professionals in the FBI are following the mission given to them. They are pursuing corrupt government officials. They already have 2 guilty pleas and 2 more campaign officials indicted. Trump is crying foul because his lackeys are going down all around him and he's scared of what they will find next.
Please explain this Trump- Russian collusion thing to me.
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Strength through joy
Is there a conspiracy theory you even question let alone not believe? There is no deep state conspiracy to take down Trump. If there was he wouldn't have been elected to begin with. The career professionals in the FBI are following the mission given to them. They are pursuing corrupt government officials. They already have 2 guilty pleas and 2 more campaign officials indicted. Trump is crying foul because his lackeys are going down all around him and he's scared of what they will find next.
The real way a criminal probe works is after a crime has been committed then authorities study the facts, used to identify, locate and prove the guilt of an accused criminal.
Not let's appoint Mueller and see what he can find .
To date all that is known is that a fable was created , shopped around for a while until some one believed it , secret FISA warrants were issued based on the false fable and no real evidence has surfaced .
Hate to tell you that within our justice system a ham sandwich can be indicted and often is . Thus it means little without actual proof and evidence to support it . Many who are indicted are never charged .
And the 2 guilty pleas are for other issues , not Mueller's original goal .
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Well-Known Member
The real way a criminal probe works is after a crime has been committed then authorities study the of facts, used to identify, locate and prove the guilt of an accused criminal.
Not let's appoint Mueller and see what he can find .
To date all that is known is that a fable was created , shopped around for a while until some one believed it , secret FICA warrants were issued based on the false fable and no real evidence has surfaced .
Hate to tell you that within our justice system a ham sandwich can be indicted and often is . Thus it means little without actual proof and evidence to support it . Many who are indicted are never charged .
And the 2 guilty pleas are for other issues , not Mueller's original goal .
FICA not involved, I know you meant FISA, just to divert flagrant attacks. Let them keep jacking themselves off, in the end you know as I do what they have.