The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Tax cuts have been wonderful, how is he damaging credibility?
You see what you want to see, some of us enjoy what is going on.
We like seeing North Korea being addressed and put into the light.
We like seeing Iran being called out and Israel promoted as our greatest ally.
Iran Nuclear deal needs to end.
Paris accord was surrendering our countries production to the whims of unelected foreigners. You really think Russia and China will join in that nonsense? It was damaging to American business and helping foreign competitors.
What trade deals? All I see is a booming economy and companies investing more in the us.

Can you please support these claims other than maga maga cheeseburger. I’d honestly read what you got.
Canada recently signed on to a reworked TPP with 11 other countries. Trump backing out of Paris and threatening the Iran deal make the US appear unreliable. If our country is seen as one that goes back on deals every four years no other country will engage with us. They will and are making deals amongst each other and leaving us out. Where the US used to lead we are being sidelined.

El Correcto

god is dead
Canada recently signed on to a reworked TPP with 11 other countries. Trump backing out of Paris and threatening the Iran deal make the US appear unreliable. If our country is seen as one that goes back on deals every four years no other country will engage with us. They will and are making deals amongst each other and leaving us out. Where the US used to lead we are being sidelined.
Lol because funding an Islamic nazi regime is a good deal for the United States, even though they constantly break the deal and are on their way to becoming a nuclear power. That would really help the Middle East having Iranian nukes.

Yeah signing a Paris accord agreement that’s a great idea, we’ll be limiting our production of energy killing jobs, while other countries go about their business breaking the contract.

You’re niave about the other countries in this world. Believe it or not there are governments out there that break agreements and take advantage of niave fools like obama.

None of these are good example of a deal being backed out on. NAFTA would be a better one.
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El Correcto

god is dead
Dems talk about common sense gun control, yet have no common sense about which countries to arm with nukes. Iran is not one of them and is a great disservice to our greatest ally in the area, Israel.

El Correcto

god is dead
Allies with none, trade with all, should be our motto.
Are you even aware that you are a neoconservative?
So you think lifting sanctions from Iran was a good idea? You think funding an oppressive regime with a genocidal ideology, a huge sponsor of terrorism is a good idea, not just funding but allowing them to obtain a nuke. I still remember when allowing WMDs in the Middle East would of been crazy talk now libs are promoting it?

El Correcto

god is dead
Iran has state sponsored terrorism Hezbollah, PFLP, Hamas, houthis. We are supposed to fund a regime that won’t even allow protests? Would kill media that reports corruption?


Well-Known Member
Canada recently signed on to a reworked TPP with 11 other countries. Trump backing out of Paris and threatening the Iran deal make the US appear unreliable. If our country is seen as one that goes back on deals every four years no other country will engage with us. They will and are making deals amongst each other and leaving us out. Where the US used to lead we are being sidelined.
Over in Davos they seem eager to work with the U.S.. Amazing how improving the business environment will do that.

El Correcto

god is dead
Part of being in a free and in a prosperous society means you are free to be a loser die on the streets in poverty. You vote for government to come and save people from themselves you’ll just drag the rest of us down with their poor choices and weaken our society.


Inordinately Right
So you think lifting sanctions from Iran was a good idea?
You think funding an oppressive regime with a genocidal ideology, a huge sponsor of terrorism is a good idea
allowing them to obtain a nuke.
I still remember when allowing WMDs in the Middle East would of been crazy talk now libs are promoting it?
Um ok. Not sure why you have a question mark at the end of that sentence.
Iran has state sponsored terrorism Hezbollah, PFLP, Hamas, houthis. We are supposed to fund a regime that won’t even allow protests?


Inordinately Right
A whole lot of crickets chirping here. Amazing how common sense shuts down liberal arguments.
I didn't see a timer counting down, don't be such a narcissist Jane. There's already one person here who freaks out when someone doesn't answer his questions right away. We don't need another.