The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


I’m saying they weren’t unless the bots were reposting good facts. The stuff I saw was like “ if Hillary wins Satan wins” and Bernie Sanders as a gay coloring book.
What you seen was not Russia's meddling in it's entirety. But that's besides the fact. There is a large part of the population that would believe the crap you saw. Very sad......

El Correcto

god is dead
Guy, I’m not sure what to say.

There was a time when people disagreed and they left it right there.

Things are so partisan now, you’re telling me that if someone in the FBI has an opinion, we’re off to the ‘deep state’?

What if someone in the FBI liked Trump? By your measure of purity, they shouldn’t be there, no?

You’d be fine with that, but do you see where this going?

I brought up Benghazi because, over a four-year? period, Repubs unearthed every stone, and still had nothing on Hillary.

I’m certainly not a Hillary fan, but if your retort is that she ‘got off’ because there’s a ‘deep state’ whatever, then your high.

The only conclusion is that either, there’s nothing to nail Hillary for, or Republicans are completely incompetent, or Hillary is a mastermind ghost-face killer who outwitted everyone.

she did get off because of obstruction of justice. Lynch, comney, Strzok and the Clinton’s. Colluding and guilty of obstruction of justice for political gain. Mishandling classified documents in this day and age should be treated seriously, not a runaway meeting not under oath, merely a formality passing along the cover up info.

El Correcto

god is dead
Guy, I’m not sure what to say.

There was a time when people disagreed and they left it right there.

Things are so partisan now, you’re telling me that if someone in the FBI has an opinion, we’re off to the ‘deep state’?

What if someone in the FBI liked Trump? By your measure of purity, they shouldn’t be there, no?

You’d be fine with that, but do you see where this going?

I brought up Benghazi because, over a four-year? period, Repubs unearthed every stone, and still had nothing on Hillary.

I’m certainly not a Hillary fan, but if your retort is that she ‘got off’ because there’s a ‘deep state’ whatever, then your high.

The only conclusion is that either, there’s nothing to nail Hillary for, or Republicans are completely incompetent, or Hillary is a mastermind ghost-face killer who outwitted everyone.

I find it strange that the FBI doesn’t like Trump. I thought the FBI was suppose to be an executive branch entity working to push the presidents directives. Maybe I’m wrong on this? They seem to like Hillary more and will go to lengths to protect her, while dragging trump through a mile of :censored2: over what even you agree will end nothing. This thing should be Manafort Russia, instead they stuck trump in there.

El Correcto

god is dead
What you seen was not Russia's meddling in it's entirety. But that's besides the fact. There is a large part of the population that would believe the crap you saw. Very sad......
Please show me this Russian meddling. I have a little more faith in my fellow Americans than that. That’s partly why I believe the government shouldn’t be involved in every aspect of their life.


Well-Known Member
Tax cuts have been wonderful, how is he damaging credibility?
You see what you want to see, some of us enjoy what is going on.
We like seeing North Korea being addressed and put into the light.
We like seeing Iran being called out and Israel promoted as our greatest ally.
Iran Nuclear deal needs to end.
Paris accord was surrendering our countries production to the whims of unelected foreigners. You really think Russia and China will join in that nonsense? It was damaging to American business and helping foreign competitors.
What trade deals? All I see is a booming economy and companies investing more in the us.

Can you please support these claims other than maga maga cheeseburger. I’d honestly read what you got.

Tax cuts are fine, whatever, although 80% of those cuts went to the 1%.

It’s not a ‘middle-class’ tax-cut, no matter what Mssr. Ryan would have you believe.

What trade deals are the Trump administration working on?

As far as I can tell, everyone on the world-stage has figured out that Trump is an unreliable narrator, and they’re proceeding accordingly.

Don’t get too obsessed with the sugar-high from the tax-cuts, this train can/will jump the tracks...


I find it strange that the FBI doesn’t like Trump. I thought the FBI was suppose to be an executive branch entity working to push the presidents directives. Maybe I’m wrong on this? They seem to like Hillary more and will go to lengths to protect her, while dragging trump through a mile of :censored2: over what even you agree will end nothing. This thing should be Manafort Russia, instead they stuck trump in there.
FBI is an executive branch that's supposed to push the president's directives? Geezzus girl! Stop watching Info Wars!

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s not a ‘middle-class’ tax-cut, no matter what Mssr. Ryan would have you believe.

What trade deals are the Trump administration working on?
Actually the majority of Americans will be enjoying a tax cut, some of rich will be seeing a tax increase. Corporate rates were slashed leading to corporations wanting to invest more in America. Look at the news with Apple thats one example.

He is in Switzerland right now, will see the results. I’m sure CNN will let you know how terrible it went.(it won’t be)

El Correcto

god is dead
FBI is an executive branch that's supposed to push the president's directives? Geezzus girl! Stop watching Info Wars!
It investigate possible violations of the federal law for the DOJ. Hillary violated federal law putting classified emails on her server. Poof no big deal, but trump shook hands with dirty politicians on his way to the presidency, get him!


Well-Known Member
Actually the majority of Americans will be enjoying a tax cut, some of rich will be seeing a tax increase. Corporate rates were slashed leading to corporations wanting to invest more in America. Look at the news with Apple thats one example.

That’s almost not the point.

Yes, yes, the majority of Americans will see a tax cut, but at what cost?

I will see a tax ‘cut’, for several years, and then my taxes will increase.


Meanwhile, municipalities all across the country will lose revenue, affecting schools, roads, etc, etc, and for what?

BOA gives their workers a one-time bonus?

Bonuses vs. actual wage increases, do the math.

BOA will save 2.5B on the tax cut, the bonuses they say they’re going to pay add up to 1.45M...

It’s a PR move, on both ends, nothing more, nothing less.

I see smoke/mirrors/bluster, you see leadership.

Let’s agree to disagree.

El Correcto

god is dead
That’s almost not the point.

Yes, yes, the majority of Americans will see a tax cut, but at what cost?

I will see a tax ‘cut’, for several years, and then my taxes will increase.


Meanwhile, municipalities all across the country will lose revenue, affecting schools, roads, etc, etc, and for what?

BOA gives their workers a one-time bonus?

Bonuses vs. actual wage increases, do the math.

BOA will save 2.5B on the tax cut, the bonuses they say they’re going to pay add up to 1.45M...

It’s a PR move, on both ends, nothing more, nothing less.

I see smoke/mirrors/bluster, you see leadership.

Let’s agree to disagree.
So you are saying to continue enjoying a tax cut we’ll need to cut these huge unfunded entitlement programs and quit federal spending on schools? I agree with all of these.

You say it’s all smoke and mirrors, what would leadership look like? Someone raising our taxes and expanding the unfunded entitlement programs increasing our debt and strain on the economy?

El Correcto

god is dead
That’s almost not the point.

Yes, yes, the majority of Americans will see a tax cut, but at what cost?

I will see a tax ‘cut’, for several years, and then my taxes will increase.


Meanwhile, municipalities all across the country will lose revenue, affecting schools, roads, etc, etc, and for what?

BOA gives their workers a one-time bonus?

Bonuses vs. actual wage increases, do the math.

BOA will save 2.5B on the tax cut, the bonuses they say they’re going to pay add up to 1.45M...

It’s a PR move, on both ends, nothing more, nothing less.

I see smoke/mirrors/bluster, you see leadership.

Let’s agree to disagree.
Also. Real wage increases come from tax cuts and allowing more cash to stay in the private sector. Fake wage increases are minimal wage increases that artificially inflate the price of labor. Unions, good economy and creating a demand for labor ends in real lasting wage increases. Also reforming immigration and not competing with illegals.


Well-Known Member
Also. Real wage increases come from tax cuts and allowing more cash to stay in the private sector. Fake wage increases are minimal wage increases that artificially inflate the price of labor. Unions, good economy and creating a demand for labor ends in real lasting wage increases. Also reforming immigration and not competing with illegals.

I disagree with almost everything you just posted.

I realize that you seem to believe everything you say, but you may be interested in knowing that other people look at the same information that you do, and they come to radically different conclusions.

Don't believe everything you think.

I take that same advice often - I'm willing to be convinced that any position I have is incorrect; unfortunately, all I'm getting from you is boiler-plate talking points...sleep tight

(hell, maybe you're a bot...who's going to win the super bowl?) :raspberry:

El Correcto

god is dead
I disagree with almost everything you just posted.

I realize that you seem to believe everything you say, but you may be interested in knowing that other people look at the same information that you do, and they come to radically different conclusions.

Don't believe everything you think.

I take that same advice often - I'm willing to be convinced that any position I have is incorrect; unfortunately, all I'm getting from you is boiler-plate talking points...sleep tight

(hell, maybe you're a bot...who's going to win the super bowl?) :raspberry:
Sleep tight my little angel.

El Correcto

god is dead
Wow, the snow flakes were falling tonight.
They don’t really offer solutions or their firm stance. It’s easier to attack someone’s ideas then it is to defend your own.

I honestly can’t believe he chose to die on the hill of tax cuts, that’s a piss poor situation for big government libs. You want higher wages that don’t end in massive layoffs or inflation on our products that comes from a growing private sector demanding labor.