The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

El Correcto

god is dead
Those :censored2:ing traitors after everything we’ve done!


Well-Known Member

Gun control has been proven to be a dismal failure in Israel. The Israeli Arab communities are rife with illegal weapons, with some police estimates putting the number of unlicensed weapons in the Arab sector as high as 500,000. Think about that for a second: The most heavily guarded borders in the world and a highly professional Shin Bet are still not enough to prevent criminals from obtaining illegal firearms.


Just a turd
Gun control has been proven to be a dismal failure in Israel. The Israeli Arab communities are rife with illegal weapons, with some police estimates putting the number of unlicensed weapons in the Arab sector as high as 500,000. Think about that for a second: The most heavily guarded borders in the world and a highly professional Shin Bet are still not enough to prevent criminals from obtaining illegal firearms.
So regardless of what the people who live there say, you know the root problem and solutions better than them?
Must be tough to find a hat to fit that swelled head of yours


Well-Known Member
On land the government shouldn’t have confiscated. Anyways that’s not the main argument. It’s a right to defend ones life, police are not always a phone call away. People see guns as weapons, they are shields. Like my Smith and Wesson Shield, it’s carried for defense of life.
The land was never Bundy's in the first place.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Gun control has been proven to be a dismal failure in Israel. The Israeli Arab communities are rife with illegal weapons, with some police estimates putting the number of unlicensed weapons in the Arab sector as high as 500,000. Think about that for a second: The most heavily guarded borders in the world and a highly professional Shin Bet are still not enough to prevent criminals from obtaining illegal firearms.
Are all of your posts copied and pasted from unnamed sources? Do you have your own thoughts or do you just copy others and not give credit?


Well-Known Member
So regardless of what the people who live there say, you know the root problem and solutions better than them?
Must be tough to find a hat to fit that swelled head of yours
It is not the people that live there that say that. The article clearly states:
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s policy on issuing guns is restrictive, and armed guards at its schools are meant to stop terrorists, not crazed or disgruntled gunmen, experts id Monday, rejecting claims by America’s top gun lobby that Israel serves as proof for its philosophy that the US needs more weapons, not fewer.

These "experts" have their own agenda's and seek to portray the results in the best lights of their philosophy. I have a hard time trying to divide their use of semantics to differentiate between a terrorist and crazed gunman.

Feel free to hold to your beliefs, I'll continue to believe our children will be safer in schools with 'armed security in schools, provided weapons training to teachers and today runs frequent active shooter drills.'


Well-Known Member
His last two posts were lifted straight from an article, but he posted them as if they were his thoughts.
I am not posting them as my own thoughts, and it is obvious from the writing style and perfect grammar. You clowns have a way of dismissing anything that does not come from one of your approved sources. Leftist progressives casually discard facts because they aren't delivered by their approved media.
You clowns attack whichever way is used to deliver any message.
Israel proves the NRA's arguments

Have at it, eager for your response.


Inordinately Right
I debated putting Clive Bundy in there, but was like :censored2: it. It’s a situation of armed citizens standing against the federal governments overreach which is part of a 2a rights.
I just knew people would want to shift conversation to that which is easier to attack than gun rights.
Well you made a ridiculous argument. So. Ok deal with it.