The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Mueller adds new tax, bank fraud charges against Manafort, Gates

The new indictment accuses Manafort and Gates of dramatically understating their income on federal tax returns filed from 2010 through 2014.

More fishing . How will they try to make people believe that Trump was involved ?

It doesn't matter...Muellers' mandate is wide and deep.

If he finds out that people he's investigating broke the law, then he's going to prosecute them, end of story.

This isn't Rocket-Science.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Did the drumpf campaign do any vetting at all of people working for the campaign? Or, did they just chose to ignore the negative information like they did with Porter? Looks like drumpf's top people were on “Putin’s puppet’s payroll.”Manafart was a Russian operative there to make sure drumps followed his puppet master.


Well-Known Member
Did the drumpf campaign do any vetting at all of people working for the campaign? Or, did they just chose to ignore the negative information like they did with Porter? Looks like drumpf's top people were on “Putin’s puppet’s payroll.”Manafart was a Russian operative there to make sure drumps followed his puppet master.
tRUmp had a litmus test.


Nine Lives
Did the drumpf campaign do any vetting at all of people working for the campaign? Or, did they just chose to ignore the negative information like they did with Porter? Looks like drumpf's top people were on “Putin’s puppet’s payroll.”Manafart was a Russian operative there to make sure drumps followed his puppet master.
I see your point.
Trump’s not use to the political arena.
I know I’d never want anything to do with politics.
Even at the local level, it’s dirty and slimy.


Staff member
I see your point.
Trump’s not use to the political arena.
I know I’d never want anything to do with politics.
Even at the local level, it’s dirty and slimy.
That’s a piss poor excuse.

Not use to it? Doesn’t know the rules?
That doesn’t mean he gets to make up his own.


Strength through joy
Did the drumpf campaign do any vetting at all of people working for the campaign? Or, did they just chose to ignore the negative information like they did with Porter? Looks like drumpf's top people were on “Putin’s puppet’s payroll.”Manafart was a Russian operative there to make sure drumps followed his puppet master.
Ya, he should have been like obama was hiring known tax cheats to run the Dept. of the Treasury .