The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
yes, the "truth" is that it's all a deep state conspiracy against trump...
Let's see, Comey admitted to leaking. He wrote an exoneration of Clinton even before interviewing her and other witnesses concerning the email scandal. McCabe had authorised an unapproved leak to the press and lied about it under oath. His wife got about a $700k campaign contribution from Clinton's BFF Terry McAuliffe's PAC for a STATE senate seat. He approved using the Steele dossier as a basis for a FISA warrant, not disclosing the Clinton campaign paid for it and that the FBI hadn't verified it, a legal requirement. Peter Strzok, FBI counter intelligence chief, was involved in everything, was removed from Mueller's team after bias revelations from text messages surfaced. Messages that included "insurance plan" to keep Trump from being elected or to derail presidency as well as meeting with FISA judge at dinner party instead of one-on-one to provide cover. His words. Comey fired. McCabe fired after Inspector General report and peer review. Strzok reassigned to desk duty pending further action. Other players? James Clapper. Spying on campaign took place under previous administration. So we'll see. You can call it a Shallow State if you want, but there was conspiracy, coordinating, and colluding amongst a number of players. They're going to pay for it too and you oh know-it-all will look silly.


Inordinately Right
Let's see, Comey admitted to leaking. He wrote an exoneration of Clinton even before interviewing her and other witnesses concerning the email scandal. McCabe had authorised an unapproved leak to the press and lied about it under oath. His wife got about a $700k campaign contribution from Clinton's BFF Terry McAuliffe's PAC for a STATE senate seat. He approved using the Steele dossier as a basis for a FISA warrant, not disclosing the Clinton campaign paid for it and that the FBI hadn't verified it, a legal requirement. Peter Strzok, FBI counter intelligence chief, was involved in everything, was removed from Mueller's team after bias revelations from text messages surfaced. Messages that included "insurance plan" to keep Trump from being elected or to derail presidency as well as meeting with FISA judge at dinner party instead of one-on-one to provide cover. His words. Comey fired. McCabe fired after Inspector General report and peer review. Stroke reassigned to desk duty pending further action.. Other players? James Clapper. Spying on campaign took place under previous administration. So we'll see. You can call it a Shallow State if you want, but there was conspiracy, coordinating, and colluding amongst a number of players. They're going to pay for it too and you oh know-it-all will look silly.


Inordinately Right
Got the truth on my side. And I've said repeatedly if Trump is guilty of a crime he should be impeached. Not because of his policies or his personality.
you're delusional, and you're participating in the :censored2: collusion game... no one is going to jail no is going to be impeached. this is how politics works. grow up.


Well-Known Member
you're delusional, and you're participating in the :censored2: collusion game... no one is going to jail no is going to be impeached. this is how politics works. grow up.
No, when you have a President and Attorney General who provide cover for bad actors no one goes to jail. All this wasn't supposed to come out because Hillary and her Justice Department would've provided cover just like the Obama Administration. Not going to happen this time, new sheriff in town.


Inordinately Right
No, when you have a President and Attorney General who provide cover for bad actors no one goes to jail. All this wasn't supposed to come out because Hillary and her Justice Department would've provided cover just like the Obama Administration. Not going to happen this time, new sheriff in town.
Ya hold your breath while you wait