The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
One of us can still afford to live in the US, but whatever "victories" make you happy. Did you read the article? This is written by a guy that called Obama a total pusillanimous.
I did, and actually saw him say that live. And suspended the next day. He's a hothead, might be right about some things he said, but I think he's off base and will probably be very shocked at impending revelations as I'm sure you will be.


Strength through joy
The question is are the four men who got screwed really innocent fellows or did they all have long rap sheets? No one should go to jail for something they didn't do, but if you lead a certain kind of life it's easy to pin just about anything on you.
One of the men was actually out of state at the time of the killing , something the FBI neglected to mention . And yes they had rap sheets , but not for killing anyone .


Well-Known Member
One of us can still afford to live in the US, but whatever "victories" make you happy. Did you read the article? This is written by a guy that called Obama a total pusillanimous.
Why the personal attack on Tex? I don't mind fielding a personal attack, and clearly don't mind dealing them. You're so much better than us however, and judging what has been alluded to, and frankly said, you are one of the biggest snitches. Are you ready to play with big boys, or in your case, perceived loudmouth masculine female types?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Why the personal attack on Tex? I don't mind fielding a personal attack, and clearly don't mind dealing them. You're so much better than us however, and judging what has been alluded to, and frankly said, you are one of the biggest snitches. Are you ready to play with big boys, or in your case, perceived loudmouth masculine female types?
Not an attack, a statement of fact.


Well-Known Member
You and everyone else that is aware of what Van has posted previously know your statement was meant as an attack. You're weak chick. What I posted about you was fact also, now enjoy your spinach.
Poor fellow put all his eggs in the Russian collusion basket. Was really counting on that taking Trump out. We've pointed out the real collusion was over at the FBI protecting his favorite politician and creating lies to undermine the president. He just can't handle being wrong and all his dreams not coming true. And lashing out over it. Poor fellow.
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