The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
so i have no idea what the status on russians meddling in the US election or whatever the issue was because i havent been following it.

but anyways i was thinking this could be another 9/11 and lets blame the iraqis and start war with them who had nothing to do with 9/11.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
so i have no idea what the status on russians meddling in the US election or whatever the issue was because i havent been following it.

but anyways i was thinking this could be another 9/11 and lets blame the iraqis and start war with them who had nothing to do with 9/11.
Wut??? Please go back to posting others’ thoughts.


Strength through joy
HERE IT IS=> The 10 Different Reasons the Mueller Investigation is Unconstitutional!

1.Rosenstein’s special counsel order identifies collusion as the crime but no such crime exists in US Law.
2. Mueller’s investigation exceeds the scope of special counsel law which requires the scope of a special counsel to be specific. Rosenstein created the special counsel with a scope that is so broad it is not supported by this law.
3. Mueller accepted the special counsel position with known conflicts of interest.
4. Rosenstein and Mueller’s entire team have known conflicts of interest.
5. The Investigation exceeds the scope of Jeff Sessions’ recusal of only 2016 campaign related matters. Mueller’s scope is much broader.
6. Rosenstein’s original authorization to Mueller extended to “Russia government collusion” in 2016 campaign only. By pressing charges against Manafort for 2006 actions, Mueller’s scope is much broader.
7. Rosenstein does not have authorization over tax crimes. Only the Assistant Attorney General in charge of Tax Division can authorize indictments of tax crimes.
8. Rosenstein’s letter tells Mueller only to look to Rosenstein for clarification of Mueller’s authorization. Rosenstein is not the Attorney General of the United States, and could not monopolize supervision of Mueller for matters that did not relate to Sessions’ recusal.
9. By Rosenstein issuing his expanded authorization to Mueller in secret, Rosenstein created a secret inquisitor, unelected and un-appointed by elected officials, with all the powers of the federal criminal law enforcement, but none of the democratic checks and balances.
10. The special counsel law requires that the Attorney General create the special counsel when a criminal investigation is warranted. There was no reason for Rosenstein to create the special counsel that could not have been addressed with other means, if necessary.