The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Just a turd
The little dictator was threatening nuclear war. People were getting spooked. Where is he now? Peace through strength, something Obama didn't understand, but our enemies do.
People were scared because Trump is crazier than a S*house rat. Instability isn't a good trait for a President


Staff member
The little dictator was threatening nuclear war. People were getting spooked. Where is he now? Peace through strength, something Obama didn't understand, but our enemies do.
The scouting report on Trump is in. Flatter him. Tell the cameras that nothing has been possible without Trump and he’ll give whatever. China knows it. Russia knows it. Now North Korea is following the playbook.


Well-Known Member
People were scared because Trump is crazier than a S*house rat. Instability isn't a good trait for a President
More and more it's looking that the truly crazy are the ones calling Trump crazy. All that smugness over the last year about Trump's supposed collusion and obstruction is coming back to bite the haters. Good luck with that!


Well-Known Member
The scouting report on Trump is in. Flatter him. Tell the cameras that nothing has been possible without Trump and he’ll give whatever. China knows it. Russia knows it. Now North Korea is following the playbook.
Serious sanctions against Russia and it's oligarchs. Weapons given to defend Ukraine against them too. Backed up threats to impose tariffs has China backpedaling. And North Korea is a hell of a lot more contrite lately. You folks keep dreaming, Trump is demonstrating what foreign policy with real leadership looks like.


Well-Known Member
Why were there at least 75 contacts (that we know of) between the tRUmp camp and shady Russians?

They never answer. Keep asking.



Strength through joy
If Mueller can not impeach a sitting president , then what the heck is he doing ?

And following this same thought pattern , if Hillary is ever charged , could the investigators back track all of her decades long associates and dealings ?


Well-Known Member
If Mueller can not impeach a sitting president , then what the heck is he doing ?

And following this same thought pattern , if Hillary is ever charged , could the investigators back track all of her decades long associates and dealings ?
He can't indict a sitting president. All he can do is turn over his findings to Congress and they can choose to impeach, or not. He's hanging around in hopes that the Dems take back Congress and then impeach Trump. Things aren't looking as rosy for the Dems now so he may actually become a liability for them in the midterms.


Well-Known Member
Good question ask Herr Mueller, he's been on scent for a year and doesn't have squat.

Well, that’s not totally correct.

Indictments, guilty pleas, cooperating witnesses...

How long was the Benghazi investigation?

How long was the Whitewater investigation?

Mueller is just a year in...

Snowflakes crying ‘TOO LONG’.

Let Mueller do his job, if Trump is innocent then he’ll be vindicated.

Y’all crying like bitches.