The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


nowhere special
I don’t think so. Because if the charge is money laundering, that goes straight to the top the guy who can’t pardon himself.
Trunp wrong.GIF

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I don’t think so. Because if the charge is money laundering, that goes straight to the top the guy who can’t pardon himself.
Why do you keep hanging on to this falsehood.

The POTUS can pardon/commute anyone including the POTUS except for impeachment.
It's in the Constitution.

Even The NY Times says the President can pardon himself with the one "big" exception and that exception is impeachment.

Can Trump Pardon Himself? Not if He's Impeached


Well-Known Member
I wasn't aware Trump had said that.
I was going by what I have heard Constitutional lawyers and scholars say.
The only reason a POTUS "couldn't" is due to political reasons ... not legal reasons.
That would surely end up in the SCOTUS.

There is the ‘can’t be a judge in your own trial’ thought, and that American ideal of no man is above the law.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Even The NY Times says the President can pardon himself with the one "big" exception and that exception is impeachment.

Well, at least he’d go down as a disgraced dirtbag in the history books whether he pardons himself or not. I don’t really care whether he spends time in jail for what he did. Just want him caught and remembered for it if he is guilty of anything.

But that shouldn’t be a problem anyway. Since this whole investigation is a WITTTTTCHHHH HUNNNNNNTTTTT! HILLARYYYY!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That would surely end up in the SCOTUS.

There is the ‘can’t be a judge in your own trial’ thought, and that American ideal of no man is above the law.
I agree that is the thought and some call it a rule.
Neither are Law or Legal regulation.
It will never be settled until it happens but even on CNN and NBC, their are lawyers that say Self-Pardon is not prohibited except in regards to impeachment.

A pardon is not a judgment of guilt ... it is a pardon which 'forgives' the judgment of the US legal system aka Courts.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Y’all still going on about Russia? Jesus.

Yeah. The Republicans just won’t let the investigation continue in peace. Stays in the news!
