The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Backed down on his promise to lock her up.

Your dom is a liar and a P*.
He said in one of the debates that he'd have his attorney general look into her situation. Only thing is by law he can't direct the attorney general to do that. That's ok, he was on a learning curve. Knows better now. Still doesn't change the fact that the Dems nominated a serial law breaker and cried like babies when she lost. And still are. Over a crook. Amazing.


Inordinately Right
He said in one of the debates that he'd have his attorney general look into her situation. Only thing is by law he can't direct the attorney general to do that. That's ok, he was on a learning curve. Knows better now. Still doesn't change the fact that the Dems nominated a serial law breaker and cried like babies when she lost. And still are. Over a crook. Amazing.
Said he would lock her up.
He flip flops left and right.
Trump is a total P*.


Well-Known Member
Backed down on his promise to lock her up.

Your dom is a liar and a P*.

you didnt answer the question( imagine that) the handling of the clinton investigation is currently being investigated in multiple ways. How then did you expect Trump to lock her up. Send the secret police or how?


Inordinately Right
you didnt answer the question( imagine that) the handling of the clinton investigation is currently being investigated in multiple ways. How then did you expect Trump to lock her up. Send the secret police or how?
Trump said he would lock her up.

He flip flopped cause he's a total P*.
Own it trumpflake.


Well-Known Member
You could start by telling us how he would violate the Constitution.
The President hires the Attorney General and he can fire him. But he can't order him to investigate someone. The Justice Department has a certain amount of autonomy as a check on the President's power. And the House of Representatives has oversight over the Justice Department as a check on the DOJ's power. Some would like to see a new constitution but the founders did an amazing job with the one we have.


Inordinately Right
So you can't back up what you're claiming, you just like calling names.
He chanted "lock her up".
He said "she has to go to jail".
He said if he were president she "would be in jail".

Well, he's president. And he's done absolutely nothing to lock her up. Because he's a total P*.

Own it trumpflake.
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Well-Known Member
He chanted "lock her up".
He said "she has to go to jail".
He said if he were president she "would be in jail".

Well, he's president. And he's done absolutely nothing too lock her up. Because he's a total P*.

Own it trumpflake.
To not too. You're right, I think he did say those things. But he has learned since that he can't just snap his fingers to get what he wants. I'm almost certain that as the process goes forward, FBI agents who handled her investigation are indicted, and the investigation is reopened as a result, you'll be one of the ones screaming against it. It's not about ultimate justice for you, it's about using whatever angle is currently available to attack those you hate. Amen.