The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
Um, no they didn't. And let's see what's redacted. Otherwise anything taken from the heavily redacted version can be woefully out of context.
Are you saying they didn’t use the Clinton name? Would a Jeb Bush opposition research be somehow less damning?


Well-Known Member
Nope. Just noting the realities of the world today. A lot of regulation is just time consuming red tape. And with the cost of living in the States employees have to be paid much more than in the 3rd world. In order to be competitive with lower priced products coming from the 3rd world companies either have to pay less or the imports have to cost more. Meanwhile we have waves of immigrants coming in illegally who will work for less, suppressing wages. Trump has eliminated many regulations. Do you see the environment being degraded? Tell me, what would you do to improve the financial situation of millions of Americans? What Trump is doing is what a solution looks like. What's yours?
Clearly in your case you have an admirable alternative......stay where you are. Why come back? Now one of these days in the too distant future the Mueller report will be finalized and presented to Congress and the DOJ. Then we'll see what happens. Such as was the case in the Benghazi and Clinton email investigations a lot of money was spent for nothing and the Mueller investigation may produce the same outcome.
In the meantime Trump lovers need to prepare for the worst .
Even if he is absolved of all wrong doing, he has a much bigger problem going forward. Two years ago this carnival barker took his dog and pony show around the country making a lot of big promises to people who had nothing and nothing to look forward to. Two years from now we'll see just what they think of him then.......... Remember his 303 electoral college votes and 43% of the popular vote is not the huge landslide he has himself believing that it was.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Did you read the part where the application for the FISA warrant really did outline that Steele was used as opposition research for a rival campaign?

You’ve been lied to all along and even now you refuse the truth. Maybe Kellyanne can come along and spin another lie for you to devour.
In a footnote burrowed in the document.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Did you read the part where the application for the FISA warrant really did outline that Steele was used as opposition research for a rival campaign?

You’ve been lied to all along and even now you refuse the truth. Maybe Kellyanne can come along and spin another lie for you to devour.
In a footnote burrowed in the document.
And the original FISA was denied (which almost never happens) but was approved after it was resubmitted with the Steele dossier added.
It's just one lie after another today ... I guess it is Current Events. :faint:

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Van only gets Russian approved news.

There are many people who know how to read a FISA warrant, and they all come to the same conclusion.

Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page has blasted the process that led to surveillance of him as a “joke,” but lest one think that everyone involved was playing partisan politics, all of the judges who signed off on FISA warrants for Page were nominated to become federal judges by Republican presidents. Not only that, they were then and appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by a conservative.

George W. Bush nominated Rosemary Collyer to D.C. federal court, and Michael Mosman to the District of Oregon. Ann Conway was a George H.W. Bush pick to the Middle District of Florida. Ronald Reagan tapped Raymond J. Dearie to take a seat in the Eastern District of New York. FISA court judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the conservative Roberts named all of them to those position. Roberts was nominated to the Supreme Court by President George W. Bush.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Evidently google hates him too, because I can't find it on there either
Did a Federal Surveillance Court Really “Reject” an FBI Application to Spy On Trump Associates?

Not exactly true, sounds like lawyers review submissions before they go to the judge and the lawyers told the FBI to narrow it down a bit. This whole thing is overblown, they get a warrant by showing probable cause to investigate. They don’t need proof of wrongdoing, that’s what the investigation is for.


Well-Known Member
Van only gets Russian approved news.

There are many people who know how to read a FISA warrant, and they all come to the same conclusion.
You mean the ones who want all of this to go away came to the same conclusion? And since FISA warrants are classified and this was only released through a lawsuit using the Freedom of Information Act I doubt there are "many people who know how to read a FISA warrant."


Well-Known Member
Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page has blasted the process that led to surveillance of him as a “joke,” but lest one think that everyone involved was playing partisan politics, all of the judges who signed off on FISA warrants for Page were nominated to become federal judges by Republican presidents. Not only that, they were then and appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by a conservative.

George W. Bush nominated Rosemary Collyer to D.C. federal court, and Michael Mosman to the District of Oregon. Ann Conway was a George H.W. Bush pick to the Middle District of Florida. Ronald Reagan tapped Raymond J. Dearie to take a seat in the Eastern District of New York. FISA court judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the conservative Roberts named all of them to those position. Roberts was nominated to the Supreme Court by President George W. Bush.
That means very little. FISA warrants are almost always granted immediately. It's why extremely flimsy evidence like the Steele dossier can be used and they get away with it. It's a rubber stamp. Why not, the FBI wouldn't lie! And remember this, a warrant isn't an indictment, just permission to do something. To this day Carter Page hasn't been charged with anything. The warrant application said he was meeting with Russian operatives. Where are the charges for wrongdoing? Y'all are treating this like the smoking gun when the gun isn't even loaded.


Staff member
That means very little. FISA warrants are almost always granted immediately. It's why extremely flimsy evidence like the Steele dossier can be used and they get away with it. It's a rubber stamp. Why not, the FBI wouldn't lie! And remember this, a warrant isn't an indictment, just permission to do something. To this day Carter Page hasn't been charged with anything. The warrant application said he was meeting with Russian operatives. Where are the charges for wrongdoing? Y'all are treating this like the smoking gun when the gun isn't even loaded.
What’s the statute of limitations on something like conspiracy?

Really, van.

Example: in the 90’s nearly 80% of the cocaine the came in around here went through one guy. Everybody knew it. Did they scoop him up and indict him? Nah. Not ‘til 2004.

Ex-Boxing Champ Michael Nunn Sentenced (


Well-Known Member
What’s the statute of limitations on something like conspiracy?

Really, van.

Example: in the 90’s nearly 80% of the cocaine the came in around here went through one guy. Everybody knew it. Did they scoop him up and indict him? Nah. Not ‘til 2004.

Ex-Boxing Champ Michael Nunn Sentenced (
So let me make sure I've got this right...Trump associates are getting hammered in hopes someone will squeal on Trump. But they leave Page alone? The big thing seems to be catching them in a lie, even, as in Flynn's case, FBI agents doing the interrogation don't feel they lied. In spite of all that Page to this day is walking free with no charges ever brought against him. But a FISA warrant based on flimsy evidence was used as a pretext to spy on him. The amazing thing is how the government operates does sound a bit like Russia.


Staff member
So let me make sure I've got this right...Trump associates are getting hammered in hopes someone will squeal on Trump. But they leave Page alone? The big thing seems to be catching them in a lie, even, as in Flynn's case, FBI agents doing the interrogation don't feel they lied. In spite of all that Page to this day is walking free with no charges ever brought against him. But a FISA warrant based on flimsy evidence was used as a pretext to spy on him. The amazing thing is how the government operates does sound a bit like Russia.
No. They were looking long and hard at Page long before the Steele dossier. That the Steele dossier confirmed some of what they already believed simply solidifies their case. Separate corroborating sources.


Well-Known Member
No. They were looking long and hard at Page long before the Steele dossier. That the Steele dossier confirmed some of what they already believed simply solidifies their case. Separate corroborating sources.
If you put it in context of Strzok, who was clearly biased against Trump, going to the FISA court then it becomes Page, who that they've looked at before, is their in to spy on the Trump campaign. You can say the Steele Dossier wasn't the only thing used, but the fact that it was used, not even verified, and since debunked ought to tell you everything about the legitimacy of this. It wasn't the work of earnest professionals looking to protect America. It was rogue elements within the intelligence agencies seeking to protect Clinton and ruin Trump. This will all come out, and is coming out now.


Staff member
If you put it in context of Strzok, who was clearly biased against Trump, going to the FISA court then it becomes Page, who that they've looked at before, is their in to spy on the Trump campaign. You can say the Steele Dossier wasn't the only thing used, but the fact that it was used, not even verified, and since debunked ought to tell you everything about the legitimacy of this. It wasn't the work of earnest professionals looking to protect America. It was rogue elements within the intelligence agencies seeking to protect Clinton and ruin Trump. This will all come out, and is coming out now.
Nobody forced Trump to do business with the people he hired.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If you put it in context of Strzok, who was clearly biased against Trump, going to the FISA court then it becomes Page, who that they've looked at before, is their in to spy on the Trump campaign. You can say the Steele Dossier wasn't the only thing used, but the fact that it was used, not even verified, and since debunked ought to tell you everything about the legitimacy of this. It wasn't the work of earnest professionals looking to protect America. It was rogue elements within the intelligence agencies seeking to protect Clinton and ruin Trump. This will all come out, and is coming out now.
The dossier has only been debunked in Hannity’s mind. You keep saying that, it’s not true.