The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
That’s not what Comey said. Please source your blatant lie that the dossier has been debunked.
Comey said he briefed the President about "salacious and unverified material" when he was questioned before Congress about the dossier. And Michael Cohen was said in the dossier to have met with Russian agents in Prague but Cohen has never been to Prague and has a passport proving that. I googled Steele Dossier debunked and pulled up tons of stuff. Some claiming it hadn't been debunked, some claiming it had. On first page of results is a very good article from Forbes about it. At any rate the evidence is pointing to a conspiracy to clear Clinton and get Trump impeached. And if you're going to look me in the eye and say Hillary didn't commit crimes of the highest order then you should be careful about throwing the word liar around.


Staff member
Russians with ties to billionaire oligarchs were just turning up everywhere around the Trump campaign. What a fascinating coincidence.


Well-Known Member
Russians with ties to billionaire oligarchs were just turning up everywhere around the Trump campaign. What a fascinating coincidence.
Just as people from all over, including Russia, were pumping millions into the Clinton foundation and paying huge speaking fees. They were buying access. No evidence so far that the same happened with Trump, but of course everyone wants the new president's ear, and Hillary was presumed to be that president. Got filthy rich off of it but of course no big deal to her supporters.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I quoted @oldngray not a Google source



Staff member
Comey said he briefed the President about "salacious and unverified material" when he was questioned before Congress about the dossier. And Michael Cohen was said in the dossier to have met with Russian agents in Prague but Cohen has never been to Prague and has a passport proving that. I googled Steele Dossier debunked and pulled up tons of stuff. Some claiming it hadn't been debunked, some claiming it had. On first page of results is a very good article from Forbes about it. At any rate the evidence is pointing to a conspiracy to clear Clinton and get Trump impeached. And if you're going to look me in the eye and say Hillary didn't commit crimes of the highest order then you should be careful about throwing the word liar around.
Seems that Cohen’s passport would not prove that if he entered through Germany.

El Correcto

god is dead

Hillary Clinton really let herself go. Spends her time in between drinking herself into a stupor nonsensically ranting about Russian conspiracies in a muumuu. Just like most her supporters.


Staff member

Hillary Clinton really let herself go. Spends her time in between drinking herself into a stupor nonsensically ranting about Russian conspiracies in a muumuu. Just like most her supporters.
Does your mom have a muumuu like that or is it yours?