The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
That’s probably close to true, for whatever it’s worth.

How many of any of these politicians are completely above-board, and strictly working for the good of the Nation?

Not for nothing, but ask yourself why certain folks are so dead-set against Trump.

Random evidence goes a long way toward cementing people’s ‘already-held’ beliefs (confirmation bias).

Take a deep breath, can’t you see that the level of emotion and personal-connectedness to HRC that you and Newfie seem to exhibit is correlated to the same feelings on the ‘other side’ about Trump?

People gonna keep being people.

I suggest mandatory civics and media-literacy education in US schools, gawd folks are dumb!
Hey I just want justice. Trump is hated primarily because he's a Republican who gets pretty close to racial buzzwords that trigger emotional responses from PC liberals. If he were a Democrat saying what he does but doing everything the Dems want out of a president, he'd be excused, just as he is on the Republican side because he's doing what Republicans have been praying for for decades(and is anathema to Democrats). Hillary has been pushing Republican buttons for a long time and didn't endear herself calling Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. But just about anyone who isn't a blind partisan could see that she was making serious money off of her position and endangering national security doing so. I think the last time conservatives had as visceral a reaction to someone being declared innocent was at the O.J. trial. But right now there are Republicans and Democrats getting wealthy skirting the rules by having their relatives be the recipients of huge deals. Joe Biden is one, Mitch McConnell another, amongst a whole host of politicians. And it's legal because Congress has structured rules to make it so. Which is exactly why many Republicans hate Trump also. He threatens the status quo.


Well-Known Member
Hey I just want justice. Trump is hated primarily because he's a Republican who gets pretty close to racial buzzwords that trigger emotional responses from PC liberals. If he were a Democrat saying what he does but doing everything the Dems want out of a president, he'd be excused, just as he is on the Republican side because he's doing what Republicans have been praying for for decades(and is anathema to Democrats). Hillary has been pushing Republican buttons for a long time and didn't endear herself calling Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. But just about anyone who isn't a blind partisan could see that she was making serious money off of her position and endangering national security doing so. I think the last time conservatives had as visceral a reaction to someone being declared innocent was at the O.J. trial. But right now there are Republicans and Democrats getting wealthy skirting the rules by having their relatives be the recipients of huge deals. Joe Biden is one, Mitch McConnell another, amongst a whole host of politicians. And it's legal because Congress has structured rules to make it so. Which is exactly why many Republicans hate Trump also. He threatens the status quo.

Let’s agree on terms:

I don’t care about HRC.

I dislike Trump, but there’s so much smoke, there’s a fire somewhere. He was a liar over decades in NYC, he was a liar during the campaign, and he’s a liar now that he’s Prez.


If I agreed with his actions or policies, maybe I’d look the other way, but I agree with neither, so I’m one of many who think Trump is a choad.

If Mueller ends his investigation and can’t pin anything on Trump, great.

I would still continue to dislike Trump.

But he’s the Prez, so, great.

You and I aren’t able to pull enough data to convince each other to change stances.

No matter what happens, you’re gonna like Trump.

No matter what happens, I’m gonna think Trump is an entertainer masquerading as President of my country.

If we get all that out of the way, perhaps we could have a legit conversation.


Well-Known Member
So you can’t answer the question.

That’s fine.

Here’s the answer:

Trump and Sessions etc. haven’t gone after HRC because they have nothing to nail her on.

I’m not saying she’s innocent, I’m saying after multiple investigations and millions of taxpayer dollars spent, they got nothing.

Either she’s a criminal mastermind or everyone who’s investigated her is a maroon, OR she’s as shady as the rest of them but your nonsense is just that, overblown Republican conspiracy BS.

Just forget about her, the rest of us have!


Well-Known Member

Well, OK, I don’t know what to say.

That’s the nonsense I’m talking about.

That was investigated, it was suicide.

Unless you want to hold on to a child-fantasy, I’d say drop it.

Think about it this way...

You’re calling for the investigations into Trump to stop. You think it’s politically motivated, etc.

Problem with that is, they keep indicating folks around Trump.

OK, you say, ‘What about Hillary’?

I don’t know man, you tell me.

I will say, every time you bring up Obama or Hillary when you’re defending Trump, you look like a dumb-ass.

Please continue.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Well, OK, I don’t know what to say.

That’s the nonsense I’m talking about.

That was investigated, it was suicide.

Unless you want to hold on to a child-fantasy, I’d say drop it.

Think about it this way...

You’re calling for the investigations into Trump to stop. You think it’s politically motivated, etc.

Problem with that is, they keep indicating folks around Trump.

OK, you say, ‘What about Hillary’?

I don’t know man, you tell me.

I will say, every time you bring up Obama or Hillary when you’re defending Trump, you look like a dumb-ass.

Please continue.
obama killed Scalia


Staff member
And you will gladly step over the many crimes she committed, and the covering up of those crimes, to find just one thing that can slightly be construed as a crime by Trump. Donnnnnaaaaaalllllllllllllldddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we’ve been clear: if there are crimes by Hillary, by all means investigate and charge. But to point and say “Hillary is guilty and that means Donald is innocent” is stupid.


Staff member
Years and years of investigations, multiple committee hearings, over $100M spent, and no charges against Hillary.

Now Trump and the R’s are in charge of everything, and still the Justice Department hasn’t moved forward to nail her on all the ‘crimes and coverups of crimes’.

Curious, I wonder why?
Gotta be DEEP STATE.


Well-Known Member
I think we’ve been clear: if there are crimes by Hillary, by all means investigate and charge. But to point and say “Hillary is guilty and that means Donald is innocent” is stupid.
Where did I ever say Donald is innocent because Hillary is guilty? What I'm saying is y'all are screaming for his head when there hasn't been any proof yet but you turn a blind eye to her and want to sweep all of that under the rug.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Where did I ever say Donald is innocent because Hillary is guilty? What I'm saying is y'all are screaming for his head when there hasn't been any proof yet but you turn a blind eye to her and want to sweep all of that under the rug.
No one has said sweep Hillary under the rug. Everyone says prosecute if there’s a case. There isn’t. You just constantly deflect to Hillary because there is no credible defense of Trump.


Well-Known Member
No one has said sweep Hillary under the rug. Everyone says prosecute if there’s a case. There isn’t. You just constantly deflect to Hillary because there is no credible defense of Trump.
What do you mean everyone says prosecute? Get told all the time there has been tons of investigation of Hillary and nothing found. And you illustrate my point. You just said there's no credible defense of Trump when no charges have been brought against him. As I said before, your side will step over any wrong doing by Clinton to grasp at anything that might possibly get Trump impeached. Disingenuous.
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Well-Known Member
What are the crimes that Hillary is guilty of?

Give it up guy.

As a taxpayer, I’m disinterested in witch-hunts.

(Unless we’re finding witches)
For certain she used a private server to conduct government business. She refused to turn over all of her emails when subpoenaed and essentially destroyed her server and all the devices used by her and her aides to send emails. Of the emails she did turn over top secret documents were found in them. People are in Federal prison for a lot less for mishandling classified documents. David Petraeus was convicted of a lot less. And since she didn't turn over 33,000 emails we'll never know what deals were made that got her and Bill huge speaking fees and huge donations to their foundation. Ever notice how the donations dried up after her defeat? The law should equally apply to everyone.