The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
For certain she used a private server to conduct government business. She refused to turn over all of her emails when subpoenaed and essentially destroyed her server and all the devices used by her and her aides to send emails. Of the emails she did turn over top secret documents were found in them. People are in Federal prison for a lot less for mishandling classified documents. David Petraeus was convicted of a lot less. And since she didn't turn over 33,000 emails we'll never know what deals were made that got her and Bill huge speaking fees and huge donations to their foundation. Ever notice how the donations dried up after her defeat? The law should equally apply to everyone.
So either Jeff Sessions and the entire Justice Department are:

Ignorant hacks,

Part of the Deep State,


the law isn’t as clear as you think it is.

Consider what you’ve seen of the law as it pertains to Fedex. Seems pretty clear that UPS and Fedex should be governed by the same labor laws, right?

Seems that Fedex drivers are Fedex drivers, not drivers for contractors, right?

Maybe your Hannity Law School degree isn’t all you think it is.


Well-Known Member
For certain she used a private server to conduct government business. She refused to turn over all of her emails when subpoenaed and essentially destroyed her server and all the devices used by her and her aides to send emails. Of the emails she did turn over top secret documents were found in them. People are in Federal prison for a lot less for mishandling classified documents. David Petraeus was convicted of a lot less. And since she didn't turn over 33,000 emails we'll never know what deals were made that got her and Bill huge speaking fees and huge donations to their foundation. Ever notice how the donations dried up after her defeat? The law should equally apply to everyone.

Yah, makes sense.

Honestly, I have no idea.

I’ll say this though, apply that logic to the Donald, and see where that takes you.

It’s not a secret, Trump is capitalizing on his Presidency to make money.



Well-Known Member
What are the crimes that Hillary is guilty of?

Give it up guy.

As a taxpayer, I’m disinterested in witch-hunts.

(Unless we’re finding witches)

all discussed here exhaustively. As long as Hillary dodges justice no other politicians should ever go to jail.


Well-Known Member
So either Jeff Sessions and the entire Justice Department are:

Ignorant hacks,

Part of the Deep State,


the law isn’t as clear as you think it is.

Consider what you’ve seen of the law as it pertains to Fedex. Seems pretty clear that UPS and Fedex should be governed by the same labor laws, right?

Seems that Fedex drivers are Fedex drivers, not drivers for contractors, right?

Maybe your Hannity Law School degree isn’t all you think it is.
Jeff Sessions has recused himself from any investigation concerning the 2016 election. That leaves Rosenstein and I don't think he's an impartial actor. Equating this to differences between FedEx and UPS is strange, to say the least. The fact is I'm for rooting out government corruption wherever it's found. You seem only to agree with that if there's an R behind the corrupt actor's name. You seem to forget that Hillary actually got asked some hard questions by the press about wiping her server. She came off looking so badly she avoided press conferences for months. Another reason why she lost in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
all discussed here exhaustively. As long as Hillary dodges justice no other politicians should ever go to jail.
Sorry, but Hillary has already screwed things up badly enough. Politicians would run wild if not getting her means they can do whatever they like. At this point looks like the worst thing that can happen to Hillary is she becomes irrelevant. Which would probably eat at her almost as much as being behind bars. And probably the only justice we'll get for her.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but Hillary has already screwed things up badly enough. Politicians would run wild if not getting her means they can do whatever they like. At this point looks like the worst thing that can happen to Hillary is she becomes irrelevant. Which would probably eat at her almost as much as being behind bars. And probably the only justice we'll get for her.

I don't think you understood what I said.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but Hillary has already screwed things up badly enough. Politicians would run wild if not getting her means they can do whatever they like. At this point looks like the worst thing that can happen to Hillary is she becomes irrelevant. Which would probably eat at her almost as much as being behind bars. And probably the only justice we'll get for her.


What’s the issue?

What’s the holdup?


Inordinately Right
tenor (61).gif


Well-Known Member
Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics

Cohen is probably a liar. Unless this story is corroborated by Hope Hicks...

Are y’all still going with “no collusion” or will you go back to “collusion isn’t even a crime!”?

definitely no collusion. are you going to keep throwing crap against the wall? your begging for collusion is not very dignified.

correction just the hillary collusion which everyone knows about but nobody cares.