The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
definitely no collusion. are you going to keep throwing crap against the wall? your begging for collusion is not very dignified.

correction just the hillary collusion which everyone knows about but nobody cares.
Thank you for the reply.

So even if it happened, it didn’t...just because.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the reply.

So even if it happened, it didn’t...just because.

you have six or seven people that were in that meeting that say otherwise. I saw a story that ran yesterday that says Cohen's feelings were hurt that the trump people had nothing to do with him after his office was raided. friends of Cohen's being interviewed on CNN saying this. Sounds like an angry associate attacking his former boss.

meanwhile the gold standard of collusion continues to be that the Hillary people knowingly colluded with foriegn agents to develop the Steele dossier with the intent of influencing our elections.


Well-Known Member
Based on the direction the investigation is headed it does at this point look bad for Trump. One fact that cannot be denied is that the two headed monster is piling up evidence and worst of all it would appear that there are people willing to talk.
If Donald Trump is absolved of any and all wrongdoing it will be because of the US justice system which is based on the presumption of innocence. The same system of justice that absolved Hillary Clinton.
The Trump lovers who believe everything the man tells them even if it has been proven conclusively to be lie want it both ways. They want the justice system to absolve Trump but not Clinton despite the fact that the very same system along with a thorough and complete investigation could not locate enough collaborated evidence to warrant an indictment.
This is how the system works and both sides of the political spectrum have to live with it. Keep in mind also that many who have ascended to positions of power and wealth did so by operating on the fringes of the US legal system.
What we have today in both the Trump and Clinton investigations is not about right and wrong but a battle between legal teams and the one that prevails will ascend to highest levels of the profession and in doing so garner the business of the world's wealthiest clients.
Trump and Clinton are simply the means to an end and the riches that await those who get there first.


Well-Known Member
The Trump lovers who believe everything the man tells them even if it has been proven conclusively to be lie want it both ways. .

we dont have to believe everything he tells us in order to believe that his overall job performance and leadership is good for this country.


Well-Known Member
Name something he said that you don't believe.
Yeah Newfie, tell us something Trump said that you don't believe. Just like this AM Trump was claiming that his policies will be responsible for the creation of 12 million new jobs but fails to tell you AI will eliminate one million jobs by 2026 and is expected to eliminate one third of the entire US work force by 2030. He tells you that 300 billion has been repatriated but doesn't tell you that 189 billion of it was spent on stock buybacks in just the first 3 months of this year alone. He brags about how his tax cuts benefited the average US worker but doesn't tell you how the deficits it created requires Treasury to go into the credit markets and vacuum up even larger shares of available credit driving up interest rates and therefore the cost of everything that worker has to buy.
So what have you actually gained?
Of course his policies appear to be good for the nation if you choose to believe only the parts he wants you to believe.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Newfie, tell us something Trump said that you don't believe. Just like this AM Trump was claiming that his policies will be responsible for the creation of 12 million new jobs

if you're going to quote him you should do so correctly , he said a 1 percent increase in the GDP can result in an increase of 12 million new jobs. as such he was giving an example of what an increase in the GDP can do for this country.

your argument about AI is just silly and Irrelevant to the presidents job performance. the job market is constantly changing and will continue to do so as technology evolves.

i do thank you for recognizing the good results he has achieved.


Well-Known Member
if you're going to quote him you should do so correctly , he said a 1 percent increase in the GDP can result in an increase of 12 million new jobs. as such he was giving an example of what an increase in the GDP can do for this country.

your argument about AI is just silly and Irrelevant to the presidents job performance. the job market is constantly changing and will continue to do so as technology evolves.

i do thank you for recognizing the good results he has achieved.
Once again you're cherry picking. No mention regarding interest rates. No mention of where the repatriated money actually went. No mention of how trade wars and the tariffs they create impact key segments of the economy such as adding several thousands to the price of new vehicles or the devastation to the US agricultural economy which is the US largest source of export income along with no clear cut benefits to the US economy anywhere in sight.
Are these the "good results" you referring to?


Well-Known Member
Once again you're cherry picking. No mention regarding interest rates. No mention of where the repatriated money actually went. No mention of how trade wars and the tariffs they create impact key segments of the economy such as adding several thousands to the price of new vehicles or the devastation to the US agricultural economy which is the US largest source of export income along with no clear cut benefits to the US economy anywhere in sight.
Are these the "good results" you referring to?

" No mention regarding interest rates."
- you really are naive. rising interest rates are a sign of a strong recovery. The fear with the Obama recovery was that another recession with low interest rates would not give the fed a way to stimulate the economy and thus pull out of that recession.