The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
If Mueller is a legitimate investigator he will follow this trail. If he ignores it then it's all part of trying to frame Trump. No matter what people think of Trump we dodged a bullet not electing Hillary.
So Mueller is supposed to follow fake news from the enemy of the people? Lmfao!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Multinationals are in every major country, not just America. And I don't see multinationals employing troops to control markets. It's an amazing thing really. Put out products that people want and they buy them. Simply amazing.
It doesn't surprise me you didn't get it. :wink2:
The US Government's armed forces protect the multi-national interests all around the world.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't surprise me you didn't get it. :wink2:
The US Government's armed forces protect the multi-national interests all around the world.
Such as? If you're talking oil we have a national security interest in protecting oilfields, shipping lanes. Where else? Most of our claptrap is made in China. No troops there.


Staff member
If Mueller is a legitimate investigator he will follow this trail. If he ignores it then it's all part of trying to frame Trump. No matter what people think of Trump we dodged a bullet not electing Hillary.
What if following evidence indicts Don Jr?


Well-Known Member
I disagree with the idea that whatever misdeeds by the FBI automatically exonerate the president. That’s not how it works.

I found this section interesting :

This is significant. Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Putin-connected lawyer who contacted the Trump campaign about having dirt on Hillary Clinton, was a client of Fusion GPS when she met with Donald Trump Jr. and others in the Trump campaign.

And she was accompanied by a former Soviet military counterintelligence official, now working as a lobbyist, named Rinat Akhmetshin.

Let that sink in for a moment.

What's especially curious is that GPS' Glenn Simpson admits he had dinner with Veselnitskaya both the night before and the night after the Trump Tower meeting.

Any possibility there was no discussion of the meeting between the two? Seems highly unlikely. Veselnitskaya herself subsequently claimed that the talking points for her meeting with the Trump people were provided to her by Simpson.


Well-Known Member
Then let the investigation continue until the investigators say they are finished.


not sure why you would mention benghazi as if this is the only time this has happened. every investigation is partisan and every investigation is run with no end in sight.


Well-Known Member
so while idiot liberals are kissing the FBI and big medias ass on the ruskie hunt which last I heard theres nothing, chris hedges does an interview with someone who worked on the Bernie campaign and is now trying to get one of the parties to split into a new ppls party.

2/3 of americans wont vote at the mid terms because of corruption, 2/3 want another party.

they talk how the democratic primary was rigged for Hillary. FBI and big media don't give a :censored2: bc they want to distract us by pointing fingers somewhere else.



Well-Known Member
Then let the investigation continue until the investigators say they are finished.

An investigation based on lies concocted by senior officials in the intelligence community. That the Left so desperately wants to believe. Dooooonnnnnnnnaaaaaaaalllllllllllddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!