The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


nowhere special
Actually I caught more flounder than bugs.


Well-Known Member
The logic escapes me -

the fairy tale says Kusher approached the Russians about establishing a back door line of communication with the Russians.
supposedly another facet to the collusion story between team trump and the Russians.
how did they collude if they didn't already have a back door line of communication.


Well-Known Member
The logic escapes me part 2

1) Kushner allegedly approached the Russians to establish a back door line of communication with the Russians.
2) supposedly requested the use of Russian encryption to escape detection by our own intelligence agencies.
3) our intelligence folks allegedly discovered this conversation by over hearing an open communication between the Russian ambassador and the kremlin.

So the Russians have a close source possibly the closest source to the incoming president that reaches out to them and they don't protect this source by encrypting their communications back to the kremlin?


Well-Known Member
Gregg Jarrett: Jared Kushner gets mugged by the media mob

Notably, President John Kennedy depended on two sets of back channel communications with the Soviets to diffuse the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962. His brother Bobby Kennedy arranged an urgent deal with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin to remove the missiles in Cuba in exchange for the U.S. removing obsolete missiles in Turkey.

But nowhere in the hyper-media coverage was this mentioned in the hours after the Kushner story broke. Only two days later, in an opinion column by David Ignatius, did the Washington Post admit the value of secret contacts when he observed, “Such back channels can add stability and predictability in foreign relations.” Few in the media have picked up on it.


golden ticket member
Gregg Jarrett: Jared Kushner gets mugged by the media mob

Notably, President John Kennedy depended on two sets of back channel communications with the Soviets to diffuse the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962. His brother Bobby Kennedy arranged an urgent deal with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin to remove the missiles in Cuba in exchange for the U.S. removing obsolete missiles in Turkey.

But nowhere in the hyper-media coverage was this mentioned in the hours after the Kushner story broke. Only two days later, in an opinion column by David Ignatius, did the Washington Post admit the value of secret contacts when he observed, “Such back channels can add stability and predictability in foreign relations.” Few in the media have picked up on it.
All of the MSM wants only shock value to print about!! It doesn't matter if it's true or not. The National Enquirer has more journalistic ethics than most newspapers across the country.


Well-Known Member
It looks like Russia just can't quit us.

You have to wonder if the latest is because Rodgers is testifying this week and someone wants to delegitimize his testimony.

In any case, it's pretty clear that our entire democratic process has been compromised.


Nine Lives
It looks like Russia just can't quit us.

You have to wonder if the latest is because Rodgers is testifying this week and someone wants to delegitimize his testimony.

In any case, it's pretty clear that our entire democratic process has been compromised.
You mean the DNC working for Hillary and giving her questions before the debates?


Nine Lives
The National Enquirer has more journalistic ethics than most newspapers across the country.
It's on par for NYT and WAPO but most newspapers just report the news except for the Editorial Page.
The Atlanta Journal/Constitution leans left but I feel they report the news well.
Politics is a crap shoot though.