The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone here who has bothered to inform themselves on this topic, that doesn't believe the Russians influenced this election?

If you don't believe, can you tell me why? What have you seen that convinces you it's not true?


Nine Lives
Is there anyone here who has bothered to inform themselves on this topic, that doesn't believe the Russians influenced this election?

If you don't believe, can you tell me why? What have you seen that convinces you it's not true?
Just smacks of politics and the credibility of the birther movement.


Inordinately Right
Is there anyone here who has bothered to inform themselves on this topic, that doesn't believe the Russians influenced this election?

If you don't believe, can you tell me why? What have you seen that convinces you it's not true?
I honestly haven't been following it.

From what I've heard, Trump had an obstruction... Trump wanted Comey to clear the obstruction for him, so Comey probed him.... and Trump filmed it.

That about sum it up?


Nine Lives
Is it your assertion that Russia didn't meddle in our electoral process?
I think that is a foregone conclusion.
I assume they and the US Government meddle in all countries' elections.

I have no idea which ones they actually made a difference.

Seems like it is a red herring to slow down Trump's agenda.


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone here who has bothered to inform themselves on this topic, that doesn't believe the Russians influenced this election?

If you don't believe, can you tell me why? What have you seen that convinces you it's not true?

WikiLeaks released email proof that the DNC colluded to deny a fair democratic primary and collusion between the media and the DNC.
a phish as you know(since you ran a few) could have been perpetuated by anyone. It did not require the superior abilities of a foreign country.


Well-Known Member
I think that is a foregone conclusion.
I assume they and the US Government meddle in all countries' elections.

I have no idea which ones they actually made a difference.

Seems like it is a red herring to slow down Trump's agenda.


If that's the case, Trump should just STFU and let the system exhaust itself.

Honestly, he should have said that at the beginning.

"Listen folks, I'm your new President, and I'm going to be your shepherd into the golden age. It's going to be beautiful, honestly better than anything that anyone has ever seen, it's true, it's true.

There's some noise about Russia, so some of our best and brightest are investigating it right now, I promise, we'll get to the bottom of it, that I can promise you.

Meanwhile, I look forward to implementing my beautiful agenda..."


That's all he had to say.

Instead, he talks and acts like a guilty bitch.
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Strength through joy
Is there anyone here who has bothered to inform themselves on this topic, that doesn't believe the Russians influenced this election?

If you don't believe, can you tell me why? What have you seen that convinces you it's not true?
Its been 8 months since the election and no one has been charged with anything.


Inordinately Right
Its been 8 months since the election and no one has been charged with anything.
8 months and.... no obamacare repeal, no locked up Hillary, no border wall legislation, no middle class tax relief, no anti-offshoring legislation, no "school choice" legislation, no affordable childcare plan........

Trump is proving he fits right in there, just another liar filling the swamp with his cronies and bull:censored2:ting the suckers who voted for him.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
8 months and.... no obamacare repeal, no locked up Hillary, no border wall legislation, no middle class tax relief, no anti-offshoring legislation, no "school choice" legislation, no affordable childcare plan........

Trump is proving he fits right in there, just another liar filling the swamp with his cronies and bull:censored2:ting the suckers who voted for him.
Can you just imagine what the spouses of any Drumpf team members are telling their spouses at night? "Honey, you just can't go down the sewer any farther - think of the kids!"


Well-Known Member
The Russians telegraphed their intentions of taking over this country over 30 years ago. The fact that now they are using a scripted political figure from television to complete their goal is really no surprise as this is their M/O. They were taking over the World before they took over the US Presidency.
