
Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!


Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
There’s nothing the man won’t monetize.

If that seems ridiculous to you then why doesn’t the arrest of the leading Republican Presidential candidate during campaign season seem ridiculous to you as well?
Show me where I said “ridiculous”.

Oh, so your post was actually praising Trump’s move to monetize his mugshot. You weren’t suggesting that it’s ridiculous or something. My bad.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.

Trump Claims He Won a Club Championship at His Golf Course With Round of 67 — 8 Shots Better Than Phil Mickelson On Very Same Course 2 Weeks Ago​


History sometimes rhymes, ya know? If he improves his game he might become a better golfer than Kim Jong II was. 38 under par with five holes-in-one. 17 bodyguards saw it happen.

Kim Jong-Il once carded 38-under par at Pyongyang Golf Course (


Well-Known Member


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Imagine if your enemies fought and fought to get something that they thought would destroy you but then it turns out to be one of the biggest money makers and promoters for you. I guess it is true he is playing 4D chess while his enemies are still trying to master checkers.

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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Do you still think MAGA is not a cult?

I think MAGA are people that don’t trust what they see in the government. They are people that believe the ones in power are not for them so they are for anyone that is not accepted by the government. It is as simple as an enemy of my enemies is my friend.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I think MAGA are people that don’t trust what they see in the government. They are people that believe the ones in power are not for them so they are for anyone that is not accepted by the government. It is as simple as an enemy of my enemies is my friend.
I didn't trust trump when he was in power. Why would anyone want to bring him back? Especially Republicans.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I didn't trust trump when he was in power. Why would anyone want to bring him back? Especially Republicans.

I‘m sure that anyone that doesn't trust him doesn’t want him back. There must be a lot that do trust him or at least more than anyone else running. I personally don’t trust any Republican that is running and I trust Democrats even less. I was a registered Republican but I would be embarrassed to be called a Republican or a Democrat these days. I’m now a “Non Affiliation“ voter. I do not even want to be labeled a libertarian. In my eyes anyone that pisses off both sides is my friend. Back to an enemy of my enemies is my friend.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Way better than senile Joe. The guy is nursing home material!

If Trump weren't Biden's likely opponent next year, talk among Democrats about the need for Biden to step down would be even louder right now. The left both hates Trump and needs Trump.