
nowhere special


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Oh bloody hell it’s all over the news. Here, perhaps this source will
Meet your approval

Or it shows the governor doesn’t want to waste taxpayers money on a stupid …what’s that phrase the MAGA folk use….oh yeah…….Witch Hunt.
When in the hell has anyone worried about tax payers money? Great line though! Did you get that from MSM?
How’s that tax payer money for Ukraine going? Bet you are for Ukraine and hate Russia… right? MSM told you who you was for and against… right? :censored2: I N G sheep.
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Well-Known Member
From Newsmax:

From Fox News:



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
From Newsmax:

From Fox News:


Why? We need special sessions for everything right? If you have nothing to hide them a special session will prove that. No one is above the law so let’s prove them innocent. The only reason you would be against any investigation is because you are guilty. Right?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Where did she get this information? I’m sure you have sources. I’ll wait. You do know Trump dated a half black woman that was educated don‘t you? Sure you do. Or did MSM not tell you that? Following ignorant sources makes you as ignorant as they are. How many black or half black has your hero Biden even looked at. I’ll wait.
Here is a source your news probably didn’t tell you about.

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PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Why not? A special session could prove the Fulton county is on the up and up. Or are they afraid of what it might find. Stopping an investigation just proves the investigation can’t stand up to an investigation. Thanks for the confirmation.
And if that investigation does not give us the answer we want we can demand an investigation into the investigation investigating the investigation. Wasn't this a skit on Monty Python?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
And if that investigation does not give us the answer we want we can demand an investigation into the investigation investigating the investigation. Wasn't this a skit on Monty Python?
No problem as long as it is equal on both sides… right? No one is above the law… right? You have nothing to fear if you are innocent… right?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Here is a picture of that racist Donald Trump with his half black girlfriend (Kara Young) in the nineties. That racist probably only dated her so he could take her to a KKK rally and have her sacrificed.
Please send your pictures of non racist Biden with some black ladies of his past. I’ll wait



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Can you imagine how stupid you would have to be to call someone racist that dated a black woman and was loved by the black community the whole time he was alive until the time you was told he was all of a sudden a racist? For someone to call such a person a racist is stupid enough but then you would be double stupid to repeat this. If something so obvious is a lie what kind of a sheep would you have to be to repeat this?


nowhere special
Can you imagine how stupid you would have to be to call someone racist that dated a black woman and was loved by the black community the whole time he was alive until the time you was told he was all of a sudden a racist? For someone to call such a person a racist is stupid enough but then you would be double stupid to repeat this. If something so obvious is a lie what kind of a sheep would you have to be to repeat this?


Legio patria nostra
Can you imagine how stupid you would have to be to call someone racist that dated a black woman and was loved by the black community the whole time he was alive until the time you was told he was all of a sudden a racist? For someone to call such a person a racist is stupid enough but then you would be double stupid to repeat this. If something so obvious is a lie what kind of a sheep would you have to be to repeat this?
I cannot imagine the level of stupidity the sheep struggles with every day.
Really pathetic.