
Well-Known Member
Refresh my memory old bean, which net work paid out almost 800 Million dollars to settle a lawsuit suit in which they were , um for lack of better words : lying?
Tell me old girl why you extrapolate that because they allowed some people to come on and lie that means literally everything they say is a lie? Talk about logic.

The oversight committees investigating Biden corruption will have to take an oath before presenting their evidence. But you don't care. The only thing that matters is your party stays in power. You don't care what happens to the country as long as you have the power.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Tell me old girl why you extrapolate that because they allowed some people to come on and lie that means literally everything they say is a lie? Talk about logic.

The oversight committees investigating Biden corruption will have to take an oath before presenting their evidence. But you don't care. The only thing that matters is your party stays in power. You don't care what happens to the country as long as you have the power.
The network itself knew what they were peddling were falsehoods that damaged another company’s reputation. You’d know that if you paid attention to the evidence reported in the media during their trial.


Well-Known Member
The network itself knew what they were peddling were falsehoods that damaged another company’s reputation. You’d know that if you paid attention to the evidence reported in the media during their trial.


Well-Known Member
The network itself knew what they were peddling were falsehoods that damaged another company’s reputation. You’d know that if you paid attention to the evidence reported in the media during their trial.
I paid attention. That still doesn't make everything a lie. Liberals have been saying that long before the 2020 election. There's a reason CNN and MSNBC are in the toilet.

Sidney Powell lied about election machines and several FOX hosts let her. Rachel Maddow lied about seeing documents that proved Trump colluded with Russia and her network went along with that. To this day which one of those are you still saying told the truth?


Well-Known Member
You were one of the many crybabies on here during the summer of a thousand BLM riots.

Your ilk are why those companies had to rebrand. It's delusional to pretend they did it without the influence of your leftist cult.

Companies do not need your permission to change their branding. Stop being a snowflake.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I paid attention. That still doesn't make everything a lie. Liberals have been saying that long before the 2020 election. There's a reason CNN and MSNBC are in the toilet.

Sidney Powell lied about election machines and several FOX hosts let her. Rachel Maddow lied about seeing documents that proved Trump colluded with Russia and her network went along with that. To this day which one of those are you still saying told the truth?
The top hosts and company leadership all knew the crap they were allowing to go uncontested on their network damaged Dominion. They allowed lies to fester with full purchase from the very top of the organization. They lack credibility and deserve none.

The reason this is relevant to our discussion pertains to the network’s proven disinterest in engaging in any real journalism and challenging their guests when they make wild accusations.


Well-Known Member
The top hosts and company leadership all knew the crap they were allowing to go uncontested on their network damaged Dominion. They allowed lies to fester with full purchase from the very top of the organization. They lack credibility and deserve none.

The reason this is relevant to our discussion pertains to the network’s proven disinterest in engaging in any real journalism and challenging their guests when they make wild accusations.
Yah, because that's what they do all day long. Literally anything you can seize on to discredit FOX you're going to do.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Seize on? I think the $800,000,000 was a big enough example of the company's defamatory proclivities. They are media's biggest liars.

The left-wing “mainstream” outlets have already figured out that the way to lie is by omission. Fox News had better figure that out for 2024 if they’d like to lower their potential liability if Trump loses again.