
All Trash No Trailer
What if solid evidence is brought forth? That infamous phone call by Trump, which led to his impeachment, was based on testimony of an anonymous hearsay witness. But the three House committees investigating Biden have a lot of bank records, emails, eyewitness testimony, FBI informants. They are dotting every i, crossing every t. Will you still consider that flimsy?
If evidence is available why hasn’t it been presented? MJT, Gaetz and the other MAGA nut bags would stab each other in the back to present this evidence on the Congressional floor. Again, you make crap up and insist it’s facts


Well-Known Member
If evidence is available why hasn’t it been presented? MJT, Gaetz and the other MAGA nut bags would stab each other in the back to present this evidence on the Congressional floor. Again, you make crap up and insist it’s facts
It's in committee. They're very well aware of it. Not my opinion. They come on FOX and Newsmax and talk about it all the time. Nothing made up at all. The only thing you're demonstrating is how woefully ignorant you are. And several articles of impeachment have been presented on the floor already by various members because of info obtained by the three committees. Leadership is holding off. I suspect they're waiting until next year to go forward for maximum impact.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Excuse me. The committee chairmen came on FOX. Would it have been more true if they had said it on MSNBC? MSNBC won't allow even our Republican Congressmen to say anything negative about Biden.
I’ve got 800,000,000 reasons why Fox News lacks credibility.

I’ve seen Republican proponents of the “Biden crime family” theory on Meet The Press and they make a lot of claims but leave every claim unsubstantiated when it counts.

I’ll hold my breath on evidence, I guess. It’s their House. If they want to spend their time doing this then who can stop them? But remember, voters are watching and will vote accordingly in ‘24.


Well-Known Member
I’ve got 800,000,000 reasons why Fox News lacks credibility.

I’ve seen Republican proponents of the “Biden crime family” theory on Meet The Press and they make a lot of claims but leave every claim unsubstantiated when it counts.

I’ll hold my breath on evidence, I guess. It’s their House. If they want to spend their time doing this then who can stop them? But remember, voters are watching and will vote accordingly in ‘24.
Again, if Congressional Committee Chairmen say the exact same thing on MSNBC that they say on FOX is it more credible on MSNBC?

You're deflecting from the facts that have been turned up by Republican committee chairmen. Facts they weren't allowed to even find when Pelosi ran the House.

Yes, voters are watching. They'll be very interested to know why so many things were ignored by the Democrats when they were in charge. Why the Bidens set up so many phony companies to channel money through. Why there are hundreds of suspicious activity reports generated by banks that were ignored. Why the FBI had possession of not only Hunter's laptop since 2019, but also had reports by trusted paid informants who tipped them off to corruption yet they did nothing about it. That they went to great lengths to suppress anything connected to this before the 2020 election.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Again, if Congressional Committee Chairmen say the exact same thing on MSNBC that they say on FOX is it more credible on MSNBC?

You're deflecting from the facts that have been turned up by Republican committee chairmen. Facts they weren't allowed to even find when Pelosi ran the House.

Yes, voters are watching. They'll be very interested to know why so many things were ignored by the Democrats when they were in charge. Why the Bidens set up so many phony companies to channel money through. Why there are hundreds of suspicious activity reports generated by banks that were ignored. Why the FBI had possession of not only Hunter's laptop since 2019, but also had reports by trusted paid informants who tipped them off to corruption yet they did nothing about it. That they went to great lengths to suppress anything connected to this before the 2020 election.
I eagerly await the presentation of the evidence.


Well-Known Member
I eagerly await the presentation of the evidence.
Uh-huh. They can spend days revealing fact after fact and you'd call it flimsy. Meanwhile the Dems had an anonymous hearsay witness make claims about Trump in his impeachment and y'all act like that was as important a moment as the signing of the Declaration of Independence.


Well-Known Member
I’m terribly sorry old boy, but your using Faux News and Newsmax as credible news sources shows us you simply aren’t to be taken seriously
Not a source. Congressional Committee chairmen have appeared on and told what they've found on FOX numerous times. That's not FOX talking heads claiming they heard the committees have found evidence. Once again old girl you're demonstrating ignorance for all to see.


All Trash No Trailer
Not a source. Congressional Committee chairmen have appeared on and told what they've found on FOX numerous times. That's not FOX talking heads claiming they heard the committees have found evidence. Once again old girl you're demonstrating ignorance for all to see.
Refresh my memory old bean, which net work paid out almost 800 Million dollars to settle a lawsuit suit in which they were , um for lack of better words : lying?