Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Eh, I dunno. I’d be far more interested in voting for a Republican Presidential candidate like Nikki Haley. Easy choice over Biden.

An “old school liberal” Democratic Presidential candidate would be an easy choice over Trump but that ship probably sailed long ago.
View attachment 453618

The betting markets seem to think she's got a chance.

Glad she’s ahead of DeSantis. Have liked him less and less over time. To the point of not interested now.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Who can blame Trump for making a mockery out of his sham trial ?
The Trump Org are bank robbers. By lying about their valuations they got sweetheart deals on interest rates. Would’ve paid a lot more in interest had they been truthful and used GAAP.

Screw ‘em. They’ll pay the price now, baby!


nowhere special
That judge was slathering like a rabid dog. He already decided Trump is guilty before the trial even started and he learned letting Trump testify blew up in his face. So much misconduct it is certain to get appealed and overturned but the point was Lawfare where they don't care about ultimately winning.


Legio patria nostra
That judge was slathering like a rabid dog. He already decided Trump is guilty before the trial even started and he learned letting Trump testify blew up in his face. So much misconduct it is certain to get appealed and overturned but the point was Lawfare where they don't care about ultimately winning.
No different than Congo.
Next they’ll want to drag him through the streets.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
That judge was slathering like a rabid dog. He already decided Trump is guilty before the trial even started and he learned letting Trump testify blew up in his face. So much misconduct it is certain to get appealed and overturned but the point was Lawfare where they don't care about ultimately winning.
The judge is a raving lunatic. He’d fit right in here, with @newolddude and the rest of the loons.