
Well-Known Member
Like I said, he told everyone he wasn’t going to leave unless he was ill and God told him he had to. But then again, how would we know why he’s leaving because he’s unavailable to answer questions. Which is one of His responsibilities.
First he said he wouldn’t leave unless god said, then he said he would leave unless he had a medical condition, then he got Covid, then everyone around him started telling him the polls are telling him he won’t win. And he listened.

Again, I don’t know what you want. Maybe republicans can try and get him removed from office early, but again, that would only help kamala

I imagine biden will speak soon, and people will have new conspiracies and exscuses

I see your point, maybe he should have spoken. In the grand scheme of things though, I think it’s irrelevant


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Yes it does.
Why are you scared to answer?
It literally has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation

You know who I was, you don’t need to always comment like you’re the riddler or something

Harry. I’m glad I can’t post on that account anymore, too identifying, shouldn’t have used my name, end of discussion

Stop deflecting

And man, come on, you’re a self admitted internet troll. You’re an adult, a grown man. That’s just weird.


Well-Known Member
Yes it does.
lol ok whatever you say, my account is related to Joe Biden dropping out of the race and you trolling

Maybe my old account was part of the Biden administration and the coup was related to it?

Good convo. Let’s end this and we can start the next discussion, I feel dumber after having to be a part of this (and I need to save all the brain cells I have left)


Well-Known Member
Ya he's a troll who changes usernames like the other trolls who get banned. And he's insulting me calling me a troll lol.

These people are looney toons.
You sure like to project a lot.

I really like when people make assumptions about me that are wrong, happens quite a bit with you

Again, nothing to do with this conversation, you’re wrong about it, please let’s stop discussing it or bringing it up.

I’d rather not bring my name up, I’m glad I can’t use it anymore, dumb to use it

But has nothing to do with the discussion or you being an internet troll


Well-Known Member
Thanks lol after I said don’t like having my name out there, all good though, back to the discussion
Seems a little evasive I don’t know what you’re worried about and you said your name. In civil society, it’s generally something we do we let people know who we are when we talk to them You didn’t do anything wrong by getting a new screen name. I understand that, but it seems a little disingenuous of you to refuse to tell people when they ask you.