
Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
we all want a good president. I've told everyone that I think Trump is an :censored2: but despite his personality flaws he was a force that significantly slowed down the progressive purge and his economy was one of the best I've ever seen.
I also believe he got screwed by the swamp and media both as president and during the election.

with all that said I have no problem giving him his kudo's for what he has done while looking to see who else runs the next race.

but the trump badgering is juvenile. democrats in todays world try to badger and shame past trump supporters for their support and try to shame us in to denying the guys accomplishments. I ain't playing that game so just stop with the nonsense.
We all WANT a good president but people don’t vote for that now. Social media tells them who to vote for. I know that’s true bc no one with half a brain would be up here STILLLLLL talking about trump in the name of their Joe Biden…..clueless. So brainwashed to even complain the next 4 years about EVERYTHING THEY VOTED FOR.


"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress to support the Constitution, shall have [then] engaged in insurrection or rebellion or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof...”

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why would they not believe it .Its known that the covid vaccine does not prevent covid from spreading and does not save people over 65 with comorbidities.

That article still claims that your chances of dying are "much greater" if you're unvaccinated.

Think about it. Use logic. If you've only had a single dose and that dose was more than 12 months ago, you have very little if any protection. The scientific community has been very clear on this. If you're under-vaccinated you're at extreme risk. Just the facts, buddy.


Well-Known Member
Yes. You can’t get one shot and be good for years. The science has been very VERY clear about this.
Even with boosters people are still getting and passing on the virus. Vaccines are supposed to prevent the illness they are designed for. Not so with these vaccines. And they started coming up with boosters after it was determined the vaccine wasn't doing the job.


Well-Known Member
But go ahead and keep going with them. Didn’t work in 2022 but I’m sure Americans can’t wait for the next round of Trump nonsense on the campaign trail. Double down on the Donald!
He's likely to lose in the primaries. Won't get to the point Democrats can go off all day about the latest Trump statement. I know y'all desperately want him to be the nominee but not this time. If for no other reason he'll be 82 by the end of the term. People want younger, fresher leadership.


Well-Known Member
That article still claims that your chances of dying are "much greater" if you're unvaccinated.
thats true the vaccine nazi's are still believing the russians are not at their gates. Meanwhile actual results are saying otherwise.
face it my friend the vaccine is nothing more than snake oil .
Think about it. Use logic. If you've only had a single dose and that dose was more than 12 months ago, you have very little if any protection. The scientific community has been very clear on this. If you're under-vaccinated you're at extreme risk. Just the facts, buddy.
the vaccine does not stop you from getting covid. the vaccine does not prevent the most vunerable part of our population those over 65 with multiple co-mobidities from dying from it. What other logic are looking to apply here in this vaccine fantasy?