
Inordinately Right


nowhere special
oh boy you got him this time
It was always going to end this way. They never needed any facts to support the narrative they kept pushing. They just ran out of time after losing the House so had to kick out those referrals as they were walking out the door.


Well-Known Member
It was always going to end this way. They never needed any facts to support the narrative they kept pushing. They just ran out of time after losing the House so had to kick out those referrals as they were walking out the door.
i wonder if the new house can pull them. dem AG will probably say its too late.


nowhere special
Garland is a dirty partisan hack so he will pretend to do an investigation to keep the narrative going. No chance of anything ever ending up in a real court where Trump could use facts to destroy the allegations. The lapdog media will still try to pretend it's a big deal of course.


Staff member
It was always going to end this way. They never needed any facts to support the narrative they kept pushing. They just ran out of time after losing the House so had to kick out those referrals as they were walking out the door.
It was always going to happen because the Donald no longer has Bill Barr and Republican stooges covering for him.


Strength through joy
Is everyone aware that the GOP has been running their own investigation of J6 ?
Their report focuses on what the Capitol Police failed to do.
This will also be released , right after the 1, 000 page file from the sham committee is.

Honestly, most will never read all 1,000 pages and just wait until some talking head tells them the headlines.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
It was always going to happen because the Donald no longer has Bill Barr and Republican stooges covering for him.

Bill Barr never was for Trump. Republicans got all excited about Barr but he was there to run out the clock while people waited. Bill Barr was attorney General when the Clintons was in. He protected them! That should of made any Republican and even Trump know he was a protector of the establishment not a prosecutor, But just like when Dems get so excited whenever they think someone is going to get Trump the Republicans lost all sense of reasoning when they thought Barr was going to bring down the criminals and go against the establishment.