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thats true the vaccine nazi's are still believing the russians are not at their gates. Meanwhile actual results are saying otherwise.
face it my friend the vaccine is nothing more than snake oil .

the vaccine does not stop you from getting covid. the vaccine does not prevent the most vunerable part of our population those over 65 with multiple co-mobidities from dying from it. What other logic are looking to apply here in this vaccine fantasy?
Look at the :censored2: statistics. If you get the vaccine booster, you’re half as likely to end up in the hospital! Just look at the :censored2:ing facts


Well-Known Member
Yes. You can’t get one shot and be good for years. The science has been very VERY clear about this.
the science is also very clear that it does not prevent you from getting covid or protect the most vunerable.
i was correctly vaccinated and still got it last christmas.

therefore tell me exactly why I'm supposed to stick anymore of this piss water in my veins?


All Trash No Trailer


All Trash No Trailer
But go ahead and keep going with them. Didn’t work in 2022 but I’m sure Americans can’t wait for the next round of Trump nonsense on the campaign trail. Double down on the Donald!
I wish we could skip to the part where Trump loses the nomination to De Santis,then goes rouge forming the MAGA party and wwe get to watch the GOP implode.