
Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Come to think of it šŸ¤” Since November 5th I havenā€™t seen any joy from Joyful Kamala. Before Nov 5th she couldnā€™t complete a sentence without a joyful Cackle but that has all left. Amazing.



In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Come to think of it šŸ¤” Since November 5th I havenā€™t seen any joy from Joyful Kamala. Before Nov 5th she couldnā€™t complete a sentence without a joyful Cackle but that has all left. Amazing.

Still looks ā€œhung overā€ā€¦:imok:


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!


Well-Known Member
For all the liberal onlookers... when Trump makes outlandish statements it's his way to start the ball rolling to his advantage on negotiations. For example, Trump isn't going to send the Marines into Panama. But the Panamanians get billions from us to help them maintain the Canal. Trump is going to make sure that American ships get much more favorable prices on transiting the Canal in exchange for our continuing to aid Panama. So relax, it's Trump being Trump.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
MTG is on the FBI payroll? That actually makes sense

I donā€™t know if she is or isnā€™t but the FBI would have no problem catching her if they wanted. Seems like they can find anyone if they ā€want toā€ā€¦. Well maybe not someone that left coke in the most secure building in the USA.